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'If you really want to take down this dimension, and stop the new one from being built, ask Ethan to give me a call before it is too late. I have some information that would most definitely help the Rebel-lions. My offer doesn't stay on for too long.'


My eyes went over the words several times before I could even react to what was written in there. Dean wanted to help us? What information could he have? Why does he want to give it to us? And Glory, was this the information she was scared about? Could Dean have the information Glory had been scared would fall right into our grasp?

"He's working with Glory to help bring the other dimension to life." Ethan cleared up.

I nodded, taking in the new information. "So this means when he says he does have information, then he really does have information?"

Ethan nodded, but there was confusion in his gaze. "I don't trust Dean. Nobody trusts Dean, not even Glory."

"If he says he really does want to help, maybe he does... maybe he wants out just like everyone of us."

Ethan shook his head. "Or maybe it's all a trap. Dean is a cunning bastard. Everything he does has a reason, a purpose, one that would undoubtedly be in his favour. He's just as cruel as Glory... I don't think we can trust him."

Maybe we indeed can't, but what if he was being true to his word? This could be our only chance of stoping Glory and her insane plans for a new dimension. "I think we should take the risk, Ethan."

His eyes widened, clearly shocked by my response. "What?"

"We don't have to trust him. We just have to hear him out, see if he really does have a means to help us, and then we'll know where to go from there."

"I don't have a good feeling about that, Ivy. I know this guy."

"Well that's great then, you'll help us prepare to face him."

The resignation in his eyes told me he knew he could't talk me out of it.

Even if he wanted to, I wasn't about to let him talk me out of it. I was going to take whatever chance we had, even if we had to fraternize with a demon to do it.

* * *

Regardless Deans' displeasure on the mode of meeting, we were all in the safe confinement of the RTR with the supervision of Malcolm.

Fiona and Caramel had also joined in on the meeting, although, Fiona wasn't too pleased on my decision to hear him out, but she understood that we needed to, if we really wanted to put an end to Glory and this madness. Now it wasn't just about us, but about the 10 who went missing, and we had absolutely no idea on where they were or what Glory had in store for them.

Dean, just like Glory looked really young, you would think he was just approaching his mid thirties. He was probably using the same means Glory used stay alive and stuck in one age.

My focus came back to the silent building, as we all watched each other, you could feel the tension around the whole room. It felt like everyone had a score to pick with this guy. The smug look on his face was prove enough that he knew it, and he was enjoying every minute of his time here.

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