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I didn't want to feel intimidated. I honestly tried my best to put up a strong front like I always do, but-- it was impossible, seeing as she was literally how every girl like me, dreamed to look like.

She was beautiful, her fair pale skin had the perfect tone, her hair was long and black... It wasn't curly, it was straight, and it looked really soft, her eyes were graced with long lashes, and the deep brown could suck you in with just a glance. Her face was perfect, long pointed nose, small pouty mouth and a heart shaped face that made her jaw look like those beautiful models you see on the runway. My eyes involuntary travelled down her frame, she was slim, that kind of figure you go out to the gym every damn day to get.

I swallowed, cold seeping through Ethan's hoodie, as my gaze wandered back to her perfect face.

She didn't have chubby unattractive cheeks like mine, she was perfect! Everything I once wished I was...

"So... you're the infamous Outsider, Ivy Fisher, is it?" She asked, a perfect brow raised in a way to state clearly that she didn't like what she saw.

I gulped, raising my head high. "And you're just Michelle."

She gave a light chuckle, the amusement fading from her face in an instant. "The one and only, chubby cheeks." She mocked. "You're one of those girls who monitor their boyfriends?" She asked with distaste coating her tone. "Does Eeth know you're here?" She asked sweetly?


"I suppose not," she answered the question herself. "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. But, I have to warn you, Ethan doesn't like nosy girls."

"I wasn't- I wasn't following him around, I- I just wanted to come here."

"He hates liars too." She smiled. "But don't worry," she said, moving around me like she was inspecting every part of my body. "If there's one person who knows that guy more than he does himself, it's me... I can tell you what he likes."

"I don't really wish to stand here and listen to-"

"He likes beautiful girls, girls who are smart, and not slow that they stutter and sound like there's hot food in their mouths. He likes girls who can challenge him, and keep him on his toes, not wanna be losers who try to act like they're everything, when really they're not... He also likes girls who are submissive, girls with extremely great talent in bed, that'd keep him wondering, what next? Girls who can satisfy him in every way... In more clearer words, girls like me."

I felt my confidence begin to shatter into thousands of unfixable pieces.

She was back in front of me, a smirk on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head to the side. "This makes me wonder... The fuck did he see in you? I mean, you're so- just- not... You're not someone I see him sleeping with... Or falling in love with." She said. "You're just not his type, I'm pretty sure you both haven't had sex yet."

I frowned. "Not that it's any of your business, but not everything is about sex or physical contact-"

"Oh hush... Only girls like you would say that. So I was right? You both haven't?"

"I didn't come here to listen to bullshit." I said, making an attempt to turn when she spoke, halting my movement.

"You didn't deny it." She smiled sweetly, her eyes sparkling with ill intentions. "I'm sorry but," her gaze swept from my head to my toe, then back to my face. "I see why." She said with utter distaste.

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