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"Vigilance. It's something I never stop coaching you about... Vigilance Ethan. How could you have been so careless? How could you have let her come here? Here of all places? The Rebel sector... How?" Malcolm asked, his face a mask of confusion.

"I didn't know-"

"You didn't know?" He asked, cutting me off. "You say you didn't know, Ethan? You are meant to know whatever is going on with her... She's your mission for crying out loud. You can't just not know."

I raked my hands through my hair in complete and utter frustration.

I couldn't even defend myself from Malcolm's scolding, cause I knew he was right... I made a mistake, it was all my damn fault... I screwed up, nothing can change that.

"I let my guard down Malcolm, I trusted the wrong person, I made a mistake, and this is my fault... You're right and I'm wrong." I stated out.

Malcolm shook his head. "This Is not a matter of who's right and who's wrong." He said, walking to his table. "You're lucky Edith found her." He said.

And yes, I was indeed lucky... This would have been a different story.

"The Rebel sector has a rule Ethan, kill any Outsider on sight. It's the law." Malcolm reminded me.

"I know that." I breath out. "I just didn't think she'd do this... I didn't think she'd go to this length to find out more about the Inc's business."

"She's pure blood Ethan... A human... She's bound to get curious, they all are... And with your chip affecting her in a positive way, she's bound to be drawn to the Inc. It's normal. You should have been more careful."

"I should have, but she fooled me, okay? I trusted her... I trusted her so damn much, but she betrayed my trust... I own that... But I'm glad Edith found her." I said.

Malcolm sighed. "Your emotions are messed up... Your chip is malfunctioning, and I can tell the kind of state that you're in. I've been doing some research about yours and Ivy's connection... Ivy Fisher is naturally smart, and with the rare case of your malfunctioning chip, it's affecting her, positively, enhancing her mind, and making her even more intelligent and capable."

I sighed. "How capable?"

Malcolm pulled out a tablet device, and handed it to me.

I furrowed my brows, when I saw Ivy's picture on the edge of the screen. There were numerous details there too.

"I looked up on her, from childhood days till now... She went to a Martial art school, considering the way she was able to fight off Ralph and Carl"

My eyes widened in surprise. "She fought them? She fought Ralph? Ralph?" I asked, unable to contain the disbelief in my voice.

"Yes, she did. I saw it on the CCTV camera from Falcon street. That's where the dimension door opened up for them. They're lucky they didn't end up at Eagle, cause that's where the protest is going on."

"Wait wait- so, this proves that Ivy has super strength, and hyper intelligence?"

"Yes, enough for her to remember the faintess memory from her childhood... Its a really fascinating ideology-"

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