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"Relax man, you should be extremely happy to see us." Ralph said with a smug smile on his face, as he pushed me aside, inviting himself in. "Where's that pretty lady?"

Caramel, who had a lollipop between her lips, Fiona who carried boxes of pizza, and a brighter looking Roman, followed his lead, and all I could do was glare.

There goes my alone time with Ivy.

With a groan, I closed the door, walking towards the chatters.

My house had never been so noisy.

The fact that I never really entertained visitors, was one thing I stuck by. Fiona had only been here once, and it wasn't even up to thirty minutes, Caramel had never been here, but Ralph used to be here, all the time, well... When we were still friends.

"Dude, the fuck? How does he get to live in a place like this?" Caramel asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Didn't I tell you?" Ralph butted in. "He's scarce cause he lives like a freaking king here, I mean, I wouldn't be part of the Rebel-lions if I had his life."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I crossed my arms to my chest, standing in a corner and trying so hard to stop myself from glaring. "This is the last time I'm gonna ask this... What are you guys doing here?"

"Word's out that you shot yourself." Fiona said with her mouth full with pizza.

"Yeah, we just wanted to know if you were fine-"

"I'm super, now you can all get out."

"Ethan!" Ivy's voice wiped the glare off my face. "Why are you being mean, they brought pizza." She grinned, taking a slice for herself before taking a bite. "Oh fuck this is so good." She said with her mouth full to Fiona who nodded enthusiastically.

"I know right?"

"Gluttons." Caramel mumbled, her eyes still scanning the space around her.

"Dude." Roman started, placing his hand on my shoulder. "If you're ever in search of a roomie, I'm available. There's so much room to move around, Jesus."

I sighed in defeat. "Are you good?" I asked him, referring to yesterday.

"Yeah, absolutely. I feel a little weird though, hyper active than usual, I'll get used to it." He answered, taking his hand off my shoulder and tucking them away into both pockets.

"And Malcolm? Did he say anything?"

"Not exactly, he's still running some few test to make sure there are no negative side effects. So far, from what I've seen, there are none."

I nodded. "I'm glad you're fine."

He gave a small side smile. "Thanks Ethan, for everything."

"None needed."

"Hey Roman!" Ivy yanked him from the back of his sweater. "You have some serious explaining to do." She said, pulling him away.

The calm on her face meant everything to me at that moment. I could tell she was excited to see him back on his two feet.

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