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Caramel stood there, laughing at me with her eyes, while my brain tried to formulate reasons as to why she was here. She had been missing for days, only for her to end up here? Did she escape the Inc? Or did they send her here?

But why would they do that? Why would they want to send her here? Wasn't Fiona careful enough when she stole the LT wipe? Did someone see her? Am I wanted by the institute?

"Trev. Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ivy pointed out, pulling me from my question frenzy.

"Uh- I am- I'm good." I stuttered, my eyes never leaving Caramels'

"Where do you guys know each other?" Ivy asked, looking from me to Caramel then back to me.

Caramel rested a shoulder on the locker beside her. "Tell her Trevor, I can't remember the whole details.” Caramel smiled.

"Uh... We met... We uh..." God, what the hell do I tell Ivy now? I managed to erase any memory she had concerning the Inc and now this happens? Why is this even happening? And why the hell is Caramel trying to make me tell Ivy about the Inc. "We met at a store house... She helped me get my bike fixed. That's actually why I disappeared at the party."

"But Caramel here says that you both go way back?" Ivy pointed out.


Suddenly, the bell rang, signalling the start of the first class.

Now I understand that phrase. 'saved by the bell.'

"Shoot, I gotta hurry, my first class just started and Mr Graham isn't one to condone lateness." Ivy said, rushing away, but then she turned again. "We're not finished Trev." She yelled before rushing to the other corner, leaving me alone with a smirking Caramel.

I grabbed her wrist, pulling her to the nearest janitor closet, I looked around before shutting the door.

"Ouu... The janitor's closet, are we about to do the dirty?" She asked. "Like you do to girls at the janitor's closet back at Inc high?" She asked, a sly smile on her face.

"What is going on? Where have you been? Why are you here? Did the Inc send you? What happened to you? You look... Different."

"Slow down tiger." She smiled seductively, which was so unlike Caramel, she was a willing, kind hearted and quiet... Oh shit... Her chip changed... Fiona mentioned that, right? Her black nailed polished finger sled from my jaw to my chest. She bit her lower lips before looking straight at me. "You ask so much questions when you're confused, it was one thing that attracted me to you when I first saw you. You know, Ethan- sorry - Trevor, this has always been one of my sexual fantasies with you." She muttered in a seductive voice, her eyes locked to my lips as she continued speaking. "...To be locked in a room, getting a taste of all these awesomeness." Her eyes met mine again as she slowly closed the distant between us. "Wanting to feel what the other girls rant about."

What the-

I pushed her gently away from me. "Caramel... What has gotten into you?" I asked indignantly.

She scoffed. "Don't worry, I knew you wouldn't want me."

"What happened to you?" I asked her. "To your chip?"

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