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I had to run.

He had already left the building in a haste, rushing to his motorcycle like he was running away from me and everyone in that building. It looked like he didn't want to talk. But I couldn't leave him like this, not when I knew perfectly well something else was wrong.

It wasn't totally part of the jealousy he had felt upon seeing me with Ralph today.

I knew it was part of it but, something else had to be wrong, I just knew it. I could feel it in my bones.


"Not now, Ivy. Not today." I heard him say, but he didn't look back at me, even as he fished for the keys to the motorcycle.

I gripped his jacket, stopping his movements as he turned to face me, not glaring, not looking angry, just frustrated.

"Tell me what happened, we can figure-"

"I just want to be alone right now." He cut me off again.

"You know I can't bear to see you like this, you can't expect me to leave you alone when you obviously need someone to talk to." I tried to reason.

He closed his eyes as if counting to three, before bringing them back open. "I don't want to talk to anyone."

"But Ethan-"

"What is your problem?!" He snapped. His harsh voice made me flinch, as I took a step back, my eyes wide in shock. "Why don't you just take the fucking hint, Ivy? I don't want to talk. I need my space to think, and a little moment to be alone, I'm still allowed to do that right?"


"When someone says they don't want to talk, then they don't want to fucking talk, so just leave me alone and go back in."

I stared in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening, and hurt that he was pushing me away, just like Malcolm said he would.

My heart squeezed against my chest at his rejection and reaction, and even when I felt the tears roll down my cheek, I didn't care if he saw that his actions hurt me.

All I could do was apologise, my mind, dazed. "I'm sorry." I let out into the cold silence. my heart beating out of proportion. "Just... Take care, please." I said, unable to meet his gaze as I turned and began making my way, hastily back the to the RTR.

The tears took that as a hint to let themselves out. I just couldn't help it.

I knew I shouldn't have let him push me away, I should have waited and pressed harder, just like he would do for me. But there was just something in his eyes, something that told me he really didn't want to talk now, and I was scared that if I had pushed him harder, he'd have hated it even more.

There were sometimes I needed my space also, and if this was that time for him, I was going to leave him be, whenever he was ready to talk, he'd come to me at his own free will. 


I paused, my heart skipping several beats as I halted, feeling his warmth sweep through me, as his footsteps grew closer by each passing second. Then I felt his arms around me from behind, my heart stilling for a second. "I'm sorry." he muttered softly. "I've been a jerk today. There's an explanation if you'd let me."

I sighed, turning so my eyes could meet his. "Of course."

He managed a small smile. "Lets go back to your place. I'll explain everything then."

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