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My eyes pulled open slowly as I tried to figure out where I was... My body felt sore all over, there was also this insane numbness in my throat and tongue. I tried to sit up but my head felt too heavy.

Finally, my eyes recognized the four walls of my room.

"Oh God." I muttered rubbing my head. Was this the after effects of drinking too much? Damn, how do people manage this? They get drunk all the time and shrug it off like it was another hang over thing... But this is hell.

My vision was really blurry.

I threw the covers off of me, as I stood up slowly, it felt like the room stood up with me. I slipped my bare feet into my bed room flipflop, padding my way to my bathroom.

After picking up my toothbrush, I moved to stand in front of my mirror. When my eyes met my blurry reflection, they widened. I had dark circles around my eyes, it actually made me look like SpongeBob when he lacked sleep. My fingers traced the dark circle line on my face.

"I'm never getting drunk. Again." I muttered.

After getting ready for school, I felt a little bit better, as I rushed downstairs; and by rushed, I meant, I dragged myself down the rolarcoster stairs, trying my best not to slip off the staircase.

Soon after, I found myself in my kitchen. I could smell bacon.

I thought the parents travelled?

I made my way further into the kitchen to see who was busy with my kitchen. I thought I told mom not to hire a maid? Why doesn't she think that I'm capable of handling myself?

On seeing the person, My eyes widened... It was a guy... In my house... A guy... With a nice broad shoulders... Did I say a guy?!... Yeah... A guy was in my kitchen...

He turned.

Okay, why on earth is a very-very-very good looking guy making bacon in my kitchen?

"Morning Ivy." He grinned. "You look like shit." He said, dropping a plate of bacon on the kitchen table.

"Who are you?" I had to ask. My Dad couldn't have hired a student body guard for me... Could he?


He scrunched his brows. "You can't remember me?" He asked.

"No... I- can't- your face doesn't ring any bells." I muttered. "And even if I did know you, I'd never ever forget your face... Cause it's really- good looking."

Way to go Ivy.

He Chuckled. "My name is Ethan... We met at Kyle's party last night?" He said.

My Robotic BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now