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It was probably the mystery warmth rushing through my veins, or maybe it was the anticipation that grew within me, setting my insides ablaze; I don't really know, but I somehow found myself placing a soft kiss at the spot above his navel, enjoying the way his muscles flexed at the contact.

I kept on kissing him, trailing upwards, until I got to his collar bone, over to his neck, his beautiful cheek, then his swollen lips. I nibbed at his lower lip, my fingers burying themselves in his locks, as I pressed my body further against his, wanting to feel him against me.

In a swift movement, I swirled us around, his back landing on the bed, and his head on the pillow, while I straddled him, a grin on my face.

"When did you get so strong?" He asked, a playful glint to his beautiful eyes.

I smiled, my hand trailing softly down his neck to his chest, feeling his raging heartbeat against my palm, as I lowered myself, my lips claiming his in a not so soft kiss. He buried his fingers sweetly in my hair, pulling me closer to him with a low moan.

My insides burned with emotions greater than pleasure, my heart beating wildly against my chest.

Breaking the kiss, I lifted myself up, breathing hard. My eyes never left his as I took my shirt off, leaving me with my grey bra.

His eyes took me in with an hunger too great for me to comprehend. His emerald green pools darkened, and for a moment, they looked like gray and green mixed together. He lifted himself up with his elbows, a sexy smirk falling on his lips as he held me by my waist, flipping us over, so now he was hovering above me, his hand supporting his weight at the side of my head. He placed a kiss on my collar bone. "You..." His voice was so soft as he buried his head in my neck, placing a soft kiss on my nape, I bit my lip, holding back a moan. "...are everything I need." He murmured, raising his head to kiss the spot below my ear, before raising to meet my anxious gaze. "You have no idea how beautiful you are. No idea."

I raised my hand to touch his face, caressing his cheek. "Thank you."

He smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Ivy, I want you, God, you don't know how bad I want you right now, the things I want to do to you... But I want us to take things slow." He said.

This brought a frown to my face, as I sort his gaze. "What things?"

He grinned. "The sexual things."

I paused, blinking... Why does that sound familiar?

He was off of me before I could get a reply out.

Whoa whoa whoa. What's happening

I waited for a moment, watching how made his way around the bed without another word.

"Wait, really?" I asked, sitting up as I watched him disappear into a corner, it looked like a walk-in wardrobe.

"Yeah!" He yelled.


He wanted to wait? Take things slow?


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