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Remember to keep the comment section healthy! Consider this chapter a special chapter, it's going to have a couple of scenes, and it's going to be pretty long! Enjoy

Not edited properly, spot any typos or missing words, please be sure to let me know


Despite still wearing Ethan's oversized sweater, I felt chills poking at my skin, sending waves of tiredness around my body. My eyes felt heavy, but I knew they weren't caused by the lack of sleep. I was just tired from having to have cried all day.

I tried calling him, multiple times, but he didn't respond. I knew I'd have to go see him, but then again, I wasn't sure of where he would be... What if he wasn't home? What if he was home but didn't even want to see me?

I've never felt so stupid... Ever.

I had spent half of the day at The Rebel-lions hub, just sitting and talking with Fiona and Jay, before they both left. I stayed until it was dark before returning to my sector and Base.

I didn't want to go to my apartment, no... The last thing I wanted was to be alone, cause that would only make me think more. I needed to distract myself. That was why I dragged my feet past my own apartment, towards Roman's.

Maybe we could work on this whole Inc business a little.

Roman had told me he had some new findings, but Malcolm kept telling him that he was threading on a thin line, and if the Institutes picks this up, there was no telling what they'd do.

I didn't want anyone to get hurt, most especially Roman... I got him into this, and I'm gonna get him out of it.

It's funny how someone you practically grew up with, but never talked to, becomes a very important part of your life in a span of a few months. I was glad he was smiling again, making more friends than he had on the outside. It was odd, no doubt, but I was happy, and it made me worry less about him.

When I reached his apartment door, I stopped. A frown drew down my brows when I noticed that it was slightly opened. I looked around the long passage way, seeing nobody around.

It was pretty late, due to the chilly weather, and dark starless sky, so I was pretty sure he was home... But why is his door opened?

I knocked gently, the door moving further open.

When I got no response, my heart started racing.

I pushed the door open even more, peeking into the small living room, to find it neat, but empty. I walked in gently, closing the door noiselessly behind me.

"Roman?" I called into the empty space, hoping he'd answer from the room, but I heard nothing... "Roman? Are you in there?"

The next sound I heard was a groan of distress.

Immediately and at alert, I rushed towards the direction of his room area, pushing the door open.

There he was, laying on his bed, his face laced with sweat, as he struggled to breathe.

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