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Inc Dimension, Base 1

I stood in front of his door, his sweater on my grip, as my heart hammered against my chest. I couldn't feel his presence, but that wouldn't stop me. If Edith was in, I'll get in and wait for him to return from wherever he went, apologize like my life depended on it, cause in a kind of way, it does.

Last night, after we got back from The Outside, I had the strong urge to just go straight to Ethan, but I figured he'd need some time, and most importantly, I was scared; he didn't reply any of my text messages, neither did he return any of my calls.

I was even more worried when he didn't show up in school at all. I was beginning to wonder if he was really trying his best to ignore me, or if something was really wrong.

I had spent after school hours today at the Hub, hoping he'd show up, but he didn't.

His house was the next best place, it was better to face the fear than to run from it.

I raised my hand, my heart pounding against my chest, I was so sure someone with the sharp hearing ability could hear it from miles and miles away.

I gulped down, my knuckles connecting with the door, each knock sent my heart colliding harshly with my chest. Even the chilly weather did nothing to ease my nerves.

When I heard footsteps approaching, my heart skipped a couple of beats, as I tried to wet my suddenly dried throat by gulping down.

Just tell him it was Michelle, he's going to understand.

Before he arrives, I'm sure I'd have found the perfect way to explain everything to him, and ask Edith for some advice.

I really should have listened to her, maybe if I had, Ethan and I wouldn't be having this problem.

If I hadn't been so stupid to sneak out after him that night, I wouldn't even be having this problem, he was still going to tell me about the Lithians anyway... But I'd been my stupid curious self, and I just couldn't help but mess things up for myself again.

The lock to the door unclicked and pulled open.

My heart jumped, my eyes widening a bit, as they took in the face I'd been dying to see. Ethan was standing there, no expression on his face as he stared down at me.

His hair was a bit rough, almost like it had suffered a whole lot of frustrated fingers raking through it, his eyes looked tired, but hard, almost like a visitor was the last thing he wanted at this very minute. He was wearing a lose black shirt that still managed to show the world he had a wonderful physic, he paired it with a lazy black joggers, almost like he just threw on the first thing he saw in his wardrobe.

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