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I paced back and forth in Roman's room. Just as Ethan left for his Inc, earlier today, I went over to Kyle's to see Roman.

"So you're saying his eyes were glowing?" He asked, still sounding unsure, arranging his already arranged glasses, an habit I'd come to know he pulled, whenever he was confused or unsure.

I nodded.

"And they were green?" He asked again.

"Yes, Roman. They were. But they weren't really bright, but I swear, they were glowing."

"At around what time exactly?" He asked.

"Close to midnight? At 11 or so? Wait- what does the time have to do with anything?" I asked, plopping down on the edge of his bed. "I think we should go today." I said.

"What? To the Inc?"

"Yeah... We have everything we need to get there, all we just have to do is disguise ourselves. We'll be going down to Ethan's sector, cause the way he explained it, it seemed to be the only sector with some actual action."

Roman nodded. "Okay, I think that's possible, but- how do we disguise ourselves? I mean, we don't know what his sector looks like. How they dress, talk... Or if there's some particular tattoo they all have?"

I rolled my eyes, staring straight at Roman. "There's no particular tattoo. And I think I have an idea on how they dress."


I nodded. "I've been with Ethan for almost a month- I'm smart enough to figure that out on my own." I smirked. "It's going to be badass."

Roman shook his head. "I don't know, Ivy... I have a really bad feeling about this. I think we should wait-"

"No way in hell. We need evidence. Real, concrete evidence. If we want to help Ethan, and every other poor soul that has been dragged into this? We would need evidence."

Roman still looked unsure.

I sighed harshly, sitting straighter. "Listen Roman, you weren't there, you didn't see what I saw. The people, the children... Families upon families who want nothing but freedom, who were forced into the Inc by memory wiping. None of them remembers their past. We have to help them, one way or another. I know there's a reason why I ordered for Ethan that night... Maybe- maybe something out there want those people to be free, to be outside. In our dimension, on earth."

"Good preach." He muttered.

I narrowed my eyes at him, getting up on my feet. "We leave tonight. I'll get the costumes we'll need and you get your camera ready. We have a dimension to ruin."


I quickly placed my phone on speaker, so I could concentrate on my driving.

"Ivy, it's your uncle, Jonathan." His grim voice resounded all around my car.

"What's up, Uncle Jonathan? Why are you calling me?" I asked him. I wonder why he announced his name, he was the one who forced me to save his number, last year, during our family Christmas dinner.

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