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Every weekdays around six to seven AM, I always wake up with a sad and gloomy face... My mind and heart would never be in its right state... And you wanna know why? I know you know. most teenagers face this same tension, the same sinister lingering feeling that came with the reminder that it was another school day!

But something was different about today, I was happy, no I was way past happy... I was nervous, excited, jumping in anticipation and looking my best. And I know why!

I have a boyfriend now! Not just any boyfriend, but a hot, smart, extraordinary, bad boy who's gonna take me to school on his bad as ass power bike! People are gonna stare and I'm finally going to be recognized amongst the ICHS couple group!

This was the best day ever!


Why does it feel like I'm skipping some very important detail of this story?

Oh yeah, I am skipping a very important detail of this story... Why don't we rewind to where I stopped.


"Who was that?" I raised a brow, trying to wrap my head around the sight of Trevor Hugging some other girl.

"Some girl." He shrugged, not showing any suspicious emotion as he walked pass me to the cloth selection area.

"So... You were hugging some girl? Why? Were you programmed to hug random girls at stores?" I asked.

Trevor turned to give me a look of disbelief. "Seriously?"

It was my turn to shrug, as I raised my brow and moved my chin up, motioning him to explain.

"It was just some girl... Her boyfriend broke up with her and she needed comfort... You know how girls can be."

I do... But does he? He's a robot! Like a new programed machine who should heed to my every command! What sorta robot is this? He even thinks and lie like a human.

"I haven't seen her around here before." I stated.

"So, you mean to tell me that you know everyone in this town? Who are you, Obama?"

I rolled my eyes. "I was just curious. It's not everyday you see a robot hugging some other girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, all in the name of comfort."

"Why are you even jealous?" He said, looking back at the clothes, looking a bit distracted and uninterested.


"I'm not... You're a robot... Why would I be jealous?"

"There are many reasons why you could get jealous... You own me but then you caught me giving emotional support to some other girl-"

"Which you're not supposed to do."

"Why?" His gaze met mine.

"Cause I didn't include kindness when I described your character in just one chapter! Maybe there's a malfunction somewhere."

"Now I'm convinced... You're just jealous." He said, an easy smile forming at the side of his lips, as he turned back to the clothes.

"I'm not."

"Whatever you say, Ivy." He said in a bored but distant tone, it was almost like his mind was somewhere else... Does he have a mind?

"What was her boyfriend's name?" I asked.

"She didn't tell." He simply replied.

"So, who's Caramel?" I asked again, recalling the name I heard the lady say before I made it to their direction.

His shoulders tensed up immediately, glancing towards me. "I don't know."

"That's odd, I swore I heard her say that name."

"It wasn't her... Some girls were passing by us and I think one of them mentioned that name and you thought it was her." He said, trying to convince me.

"Alright... If you say so. Can I ask a question though?"

He hesitated for a bit. "I'm going to ignore the fact that you just asked me a question. What do you want to know?"

"Why is it that people are not fully aware of your Inc? Why is it still secret?"

"Did you read the terms and conditions?"

"Uh no? Who reads terms and conditions?"

He shrugged. "Well, you should have."

"So, are you going to tell me?"

"Nope. Come on... Let's go, I'm done."

I sagged my shoulders in disappointment. The terms and conditions stuff, did nothing to suite my curiosity.

If their Inc was so good at this robot thing, why weren't they showing it to the world? There's got to be a reason right? A reason that I'm sure, isn't in the terms and conditions stuff.

But what could it be?

I was no fool though... I knew they were talking about this Caramel lady, but the question is... Who is Caramel? And why did he lie about not knowing her?

There was something else going on.

And whatever it was, I had this naggy feeling that it wasn't something pleasant. Trevor convinced me that he was actually a robot... That part was true... But that feeling of doubt was still present.

I need to clear these doubts. I need to keep an eye on Trevor.

Turns out I didn't just order a boyfriend... I ordered trouble.

Big trouble.


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Short? I know... But it's still an update!

It gets better, trust me!


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