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With his gun pointed directly at me, my mind went blank trying to comprehend what was happening. I knew something was up with him, but I would never have expected him to actually do this... and for what reason? Did Glory get to him? 

I blinked, watching him carefully. "What are you talking about, Ralph? This is the Core, everything we need to finally be free-" 

"You heard me... I can't let you leave here with it. I-- I can't also let you come out of this building alive." 

Still confused, I managed to find my voice. "What does that even mean?" 

He gulped down, visibly nervous and still unsure about what he was about to do. Was this why he suggested Ethan distracted the Robots while I go in with him? 

"Look," he began. "I'm all for this, the Rebel-lions, our freedom... you know that, more than anyone." 

"So why are you doing this?" I asked. "What happened?" 

"Love. Family. Sanity." He said, still being vague. 

Love, Family and, Sanity? What does he mean by this? Did glory put him up to this? Does she have someone he cares about? 

"I was born here, Ivy... My life has always been in this dimension. I really want to get out because that is exactly what my parents would have wanted, and also because even though I was born here, I still don't feel free, I still feel choked up. All I had ever wanted was my freedom... mine and my sisters'" He said. 

"But we are about to get it Ralph... It's only a few minutes away."

"None of it would matter if the only family I had left doesn't get to experience that freedom with me." He let out. 

No way... 

"Glory has Michelle, Ivy. The moment you take that Core, she's fucking dead." His voice wavered. "She's my little sister and I am not about to watch her die. You're my friend, and I am so glad we got to meet, but if Glory wants you dead, and away from the Core, just for me to see my sister alive and okay... then so be it." 

"So she sent you to stop me from getting the Core, and to-- kill me?" I asked, unable to believe what he just said. 

He managed a nod. 

"Then you are just as foolish as you are smart." Ethan's voice brought my notice to his presence. His gun was outstretched to Ralph, whose gun was pointed at me. "You would take Glory's threats to heart, and hurt Ivy?" 

"She has Michelle at gunpoint as we speak, what the fuck am I supposed to do, man? You would do the same if Edith were in danger, and you know it." 

"Would I? Glory knows better than to fuck with me like that." He said. "She came to you cause she knows you're a fucking asshat that would believe literally anything she tells you." Ethan said. 

"Wouldn't you believe it if she told you? You know Glory always makes do on her threats."

"Why didn't you say anything about it? We could have done something about it. I could have helped, you know I could have-"


"Allow me to make a guess... she told you she'd hurt her if you told anyone?" 

When Ralph didn't counter that, Ethan shook his head. "How could you be so foolish? So easily swayed?"

Ralph shot him a look of disbelief. "She's my sister, Ethan, do you think I would toy with her life like that?" 

I blinked rapidly, trying my best swallow the lump in my throat, to think straight and find a loop hole through this, but nothing came up. Absolutely nothing. 

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