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It felt like an hour, an hour since Edith locked us up in an 'all white cell' the floor was white, the ceiling was plain white and the wall was painted a really bright white... I couldn't even find the door out of the cell, it looked like a box... A really white scary box.

I was pacing back and forth, thinking of ways to break out.

I knocked on each wall, listening for a hollow sound... But all I got was a thick thump in return.

What the hell did they use in building these walls?

"I can't believe we're not talking about what happened out there, Ivy." Roman said for like the thousandth time.

"And... Roman, I can't believe you're just sitting there, doing nothing. you should be helping me find a way out of here." I said, kicking the thick wall.

"Didn't you see where she led us to? There's no escaping this." He said, getting up from the floor. "We should talk about you... What happened out there Ivy? You were like a different person." He stated out.

He was so right... I felt like a different person, I felt like I could do anything, I felt like I knew the angle Ralph was aiming for, before he aimed. I felt like Supergirl, and it was still so confusing.

That was exactly why I was pushing it down the back of my mind.

"You fought robot people Ivy. Not just anyone, you fought people with ninety nine percent of strength... You fought them like they were toddlers, and the strength you pocessed was inhuman."

I stopped pacing and turned to him. "I know its unexplainable, even I myself am confused about all this. I don't know what happened to me out there, but-"

"What if it has something to do with Ethan? Or maybe the pills?" He asked, cutting me off.

I shrugged, considering it. "That might be it... I don't know Roman... But whatever it is, it saved our lives."

Roman rolled his eyes. "Which doesn't matter because we're still gonna die."

"We're not gonna die. We just have to get out of here." I muttered, turning away from him, as I inspected the walls, checking to see if I missed something. "It might seem impossible, but we should be able to get out without making any noise and-"

Roman pulled my shoulders, turning me towards him again "We're not getting out, Ivy... I know that for sure. We have just an option of surviving this, and that is if they are kind enough to call Ethan."

My eyes widened. "They can't do that." I rushed out. "If Ethan knows he'd hate me."

"If Ethan knows, we get a chance at surviving this." Roman said, and he was right.

But I can't let that happen. Ethan would hate me, he'd think I betrayed him, and that was the last thing I wanted, his hatred... We had something going between us.

I now know of my feelings for him... And I guess he feels the same way. And he trusts me to hell and back, I gave him my word, knowing I would betray him later on... But I had hoped this would go smoothly.

My Robotic BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now