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I lied haha! Nothing could ever break Ethan and Ivy up! Except, you know who! So, sorry about that. *grins*


It had been almost an hour since I got off the phone with Roman.

He had sounded okay, and not at all angry. I had apologized and told him giving him the chip was the only way to help him, but he didn't really want to talk about it, he was more worried about Ethan who still laid upstairs in the room I was quite sure used to be his.

I had taken the time to look around Glory's home as I came back down the stairs, leaving Ethan alone to rest for a while.

I spotted Glory sitting on one of the dinning chairs, her hand on her chin, her eyes holding a far off look that made it obvious she was lost in thoughts. I wasn't even sure if she heard me come in, until she spoke in her calm voice again. "Is he awake?" She asked without looking over at me.

Summoning enough courage, I went to take a seat with her at the dinning... I needed to know the truth... Why she was at that hospital, why Ethan? What did she want from him? "No." I answered her, my eyes not missing the sad look that drew down her brows.

The woman genuinely looked broken. She really did care about Ethan; and I knew she hated the fact that Ethan never believed her anytime she told him. I knew from the look on her face that no matter what happened, she was still going to be determined to prove it to him that he meant much more to her.

"I'm a terrible mother, aren't I?" She said out of no where, shocking me. "I ruined his life, ruined the lives of everyone he cared about, just because I was too insecure, too careful, too scared to lose him." She said.

I didn't know what to answer to that, so I just let her continue.

"All I wanted was to protect him... You know, like every other mother out there would do for their child. I only agreed to send him out because he was causing too much trouble here at the Inc... I didn't think I was going to think it would be a mistake... My intention was never to hurt him. I would never intentionally hurt that boy." She told me.

"Why did you adopt him?" I asked her, knowing she knew I was already aware.

Her blue eyes met my gaze. "Why haven't you told him?" She asked. "You know close enough to everything. I'm sure the little sneaking out you and Mr. Huxley did, came in handy."

I gulped.

"You claim to love my son, Fisher... Yet you lie to him."

"The fact that I love him, is the only reason I'm keeping all of this messed up nonsense from him. He isn't ready to deal with all of it."

"And who are you to be the judge of that?" She asked, a frown now pulling down her brows.

"A person who knows him. Ethan has so much to deal with already. What happened here tonight, is enough prove of that. I know you know this, that's why you haven't told him anything either, you're scared that if he knows you were responsible for the fire at his house years ago, he would hate you forever, isn't it?"

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