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Sad didn't come close to what I was feeling. I could hear their voices mixed with that of the chatters that made the whole atmosphere scream school. Even from the noisy cafeteria, I could still filter out his voice, sounding happier than I've ever heard him. I guess he really did like Lulu.

Boys are demons!

Jus a few days ago, he literally tried to get with me, and now he's playing around with Lulu, ignoring me like I don't even exist.

Yes, I might have maybe lied to Roman about my feelings, but I did really care about him, I like him a lot, and that's exactly what scares me.

I'd only ever liked one person in my life, and that was Ethan, a very very long time ago. It was a stupid crush that grew really serious.

It lasted for about a year and a half before I began to realize we couldn't be anything more than best friends. Besides, he was too good for me. I was and still I'm not in his league.

When I first saw Roman, the day I used LT wipe on him, I thought he was really handsome, his whole appearance hit me in a different way. The second time I did see him, I realized it wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment thing, it was more, different from the feelings I had developed for Ethan years ago.

And it scared me. It scared me to the bone.

The day he came to me with that question, I just wasn't ready, he caught me off guard and I just said the first thing that came to mind. I was confused, I'd never been in a situation like that, and I freaked out.

I thought he was smart enough to see that I panicked... I never thought he was going to flat out ignore me like I didn't exist.

It hurt, a lot.

I've tried to talk to him, but he just responds with one word answers and doesn't really look interested.

I've never felt this hurt... I thought hurt was listening to Ethan talk about all his hook ups while I died in silence.

This is was way worse. It's almost like he gave up, and just doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

It's not like I said anything too bad or too harsh, I scrambled out the words, and made sure not to hurt him. But maybe I did. Maybe that's why he doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

I messed up, I screwed everything up cause I'm so inexperienced when it came to the matters of the heart. Sometimes I wish I could be as bold as Ivy, face the situation head on, and battle the fear... But I couldn't, not with situations like this, not with fragile situations that had to do with taking care of your heart and that of the person you love and care about.

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