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The light went dim the moment Caramel's voice got amplified by the microphone hanging on the stand, right in front of her. A dull maroon spotlight fell on her as she sang Just me and you by The dreamliners. At least they had good taste in music here. I was beginning to think they never snatched any good stuff from the outside.

The Hub was packed as usual, people silently talking, while some just drank and ate dinner, as they listened to Caramel's surprisingly angelic voice. I just watched her, my mind present but absent at the same time.


That's exactly how everything had been since the whole Michelle ordeal. No problems, no drama, and no word from Glory.

There was just... Nothing.

I was worried. Glory wasn't one to stay away from Ethan for so long... And even more so, now that he and I spent lesser time apart. All she had ever wanted was our separation, so why was she quiet now?

A sick feeling brewed within me, it felt like she was lurking around, watching and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Ethan on the other hand, wasn't the slightest bit worried, and even if he was, he was doing a hell of a great job to keep it all in check.

Speaking of Ethan, my gaze broke from Caramel and sled over to my side to see him easily texting someone on his phone. Almost like he sensed me staring at him, he looked up from the device.

"What?" He asked, not bothering to hide the screen of his phone, maybe because the number he was texting wasn't saved on his phone... Or maybe it was something else. Honestly, I didn't really care about who he was texting because I knew if it was important he would most definitely have told me about it; then again, he didn't really have to.

I shook my head, silently answering a nothing.

His eyes searched mine before a frown and a smile took hold of his face at the same time. He tapped my forehead with his index finger, making me scrunch my nose and squint my eyes.

"You're thinking again." He brought to words, the obvious.

I narrowed my eyes at him "It's hard not to think, Ethan. I mean I can't believe you're not thinking about it right now? Don't you feel it? The last time everything went silent, it was a disaster, I feel like we should be doing something."

He sighed, dropping his phone on the table. "I know. But it's a good thing our guard isn't down. We're prepared for anything."

"Are we?" I asked, turning slightly so I could face him. "Okay, so maybe we are... But the Rebel-lions haven't received any major threat asides from the inc social media rants and drama, that's not making a move... Is it?"

"It's something. You know this is gonna take a lot of time, right?"

I let out a breath. "I know, but... I'm just so worried, I can't help but worry cause Glory hasn't-- Glory hasn't reacted to any of this... Neither has Dean."

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