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I had bitten my nails to the extent I was scared my teeth was going to begin chewing all the way down to my skin. Malcolm had asked to be left alone, after me, Fiona and Roman tried to console him. Caramel was no where to be found and I was back at the apartment with just Roman. My feet hitting the ground repeatedly in worry, anger, and anxiousness.

Worried because Ethan wasn't picking or returning any of my calls, angry because Dean had gone completely AWOL after the Core was given to him, and still, nothing big was happening... it was all so quiet... The events of tonight seemed to have shocked everyone back into their hiding place; and anxious because we seemed to have failed... Dean was never to be trusted, and we foolishly trusted him.

I knew something was about to happen, I could already feel it. My heart pounding against my chest was preparing itself for the worst. It felt like everyone was waiting for that something big, the clarification of our failure, our doom. The end of this whole Charade, a final goodbye to our freedom.

"I can't believe he fooled us." Roman said out of no where.

My gaze met his. "The tracker disappeared, didn't it?" I asked, already knowing that was going to happen. The tracker following the Core had been the only clue to trace them... Even though we had lost track of the location a long time ago, the tracker still had the light beeping from it, but now, it had turned off.

Roman nodded. "What are we gonna do now?"

I sighed. "Honestly Roman, I have no idea." I said.

"And Ethan's still not picking up?"

I shook my head at that question. "I don't know why he would lie to me. He promised he'd meet me back at the RTR but he didn't even show up, he's not even calling back. I just wanna know if he's okay."

"I'm sure he's fine," Roman reassured. "He must be going through a lot right now, Ivy... With the situation that went down with Ralph, and then to Edith. I don't even want to be Ethan right now." Roman said.

He was right. I knew all this wouldn't go down well with Ethan, he would most definitely blame himself for this. But it was out of everyone's hand... we couldn't have predicted Ralph would even do this... We couldn't have foreseen Edith never coming back.

I sighed, tears piling up in my eyes. "We lost so many people today Roman... Not just physically but mentally too. It just feels like we walked right into a trap. We got the Core, but gave it right to the devil."

"Anyone would have done much more stupid things just for freedom, Ivy. Does it matter if we walked into a trap? No... No it doesn't. what matters is that we walked... we didn't just stand by and do nothing like the other cowards... we made a move, and even if at the end, we didn't get the end result we needed, we still did something. That is prove enough that we can do more if we set our minds to it."

"You're right... We shouldn't give up yet." I said, wiping the tears that had managed to escape. "I'll keep on trying Ethan's num-"

I stopped when the notification sound came up on my phone, my eyes going to the screen.

I jumped right up.

"What is it?" Roman asked.

"It's a text from Ethan." I responded, opening it immediately.


Meet me at the top of the Musel... Please don't die while climbing.

"What does it say?"

"He wants to meet at the Musel, and he told me not to die while climbing."

Roman's eyes widened. "You're going to climb up that... that thing?"

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