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I found him leaning on his bike, scrolling through his phone like he was tired of it. His hair fell loosly down his forehead, making him look all cute and gentle. His shoulders were relaxed, and his stance was firm. I should take a picture of him, like this. Damn it! He looked like one of those hot guys you see on Pinterest when you search for bad boys on bike. Ugh!

I looked around.

I wasn't the only one staring, girls from every corner drooled at the wonderful sight in front of them. He was oblivious to the fact that people were staring at him, and even if he wasn't oblivious to it, he looked like he was totally used to it.

Wherever Nathan was, was he aware that his brother was still alive? Was he looking for him? Does he think about him everyday?

Why the hell do I feel like it's my job to reunite the two boys? How would Ethan feel about that?

I felt comfortable calling him Ethan. How I wish I could just let him know that I knew his real name and his background. But I had to be patient.

In order to avoid what happened last time, I needed to keep somethings to myself.

"Hey Trev?" I said, the name beginning to sound foreign to my mouth.

He looked up from his phone. "Finally. Do you really love this school that much?"

"Library duty. Sorry." I smiled. "Are you ready?"

"Sure." He said, picking up my helmet and handing it over to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him again.

"I told you it was a surprise, right?"

"Yeah, and I remember telling you that I didn't like surprises."

He chuckled. "I also remember telling you that, it was way better that way." He said.

I smiled, shaking my head.

This was in every cliche story, the boy takes the girl out on a surprise journey, they'd probably end up going to a place where the guy goes once in a while to think about different stuffs, the girl would feel so special because she was the first girl he would take to that place.

They would talk about things and he would tell her she was beautiful under the moonlight, and then they'd kiss.

But that wasn't our case. My boyfriend didn't have any special place, seeing as he doesn't know places around here. He wasn't a robot, but he had a Robotic device in his body. He wasn't your normal bad boy character who would change his bad boy ways because he fell in love with a nerd.

No, he was himself. There was no changing him, and there was a zero possibility that he was capable of loving me. Or even liking me. I had his freedom at my grasps. If anything, he was fed up of me and was probably taking me to a jungle to cut off my body parts.

No... He wasn't but... That had to be said.

My Robotic BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now