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The sudden wave of warmth engulfed every single part of my body, in and out.

The moment his lips met mine, the warmth almost pulled my heart out of its resting place and I felt like I was in heaven. My stomach felt jumpy and funny and I guess this was the butterfly feeling, but damn, was it supposed to feel this good?

His lips moved against mine with such softness that I felt myself melting away.

My whole life, I had been dreaming about this day. The day when I finally get my first kiss... I always thought it would be in a special surrounding, the birds would sing above our heads, the wind would blow our hair and sink through our clothes, the sun would set just when we break the kiss and it would be so magical.

This was nothing like it. I wasn't in a lovely surrounding, and we weren't the only ones in the room. In fact, we weren't kissing on our own free will. We were forced into doing it, but still yet- my heart was about to explode, still yet, my body was tingling with excitement, still yet, it felt as if Ethan and I were the only ones in the room.

I didn't kiss him back because I honestly didn't want to mess it up. More like... I didn't know how.

When he pulled away, he took the warmth with him, and I was beginning to think that, his warmth was like his special ability.

I pulled open my eyes to find his Emerald green eyes on me.

I didn't realize how hard my breathing had gone, my heart was slamming against my chest at an abnormal rate, and I was honestly beginning to get scared it would fall off.

He had this dazed look in his eyes, and it spoke so many words that made me want to just- just pull him by his shirt and crush his lips with mine.

"How's that for prove?" Fiona spoke up, grabbing my attention. I looked away Immediately, feeling my cheeks heat up.

I can't believe I just had my first kiss, in front of my ex crush, best friend, next best friend, ex crush brother slash friend, and the girl who wanted to smash my face in! What???

I could still feel Ethan's eyes on me, but I was too shy to look up at him... I'm not a shy girl... No... But when something like this-

Kyle shot up from his sitting position, breaking my thoughts as he shot a small glance towards me before easing himself out of the tense atmosphere.

What the hell was that?



Way long after the stupid truth or dare, I made myself comfortable beside the beer pump. At least, that was the only thing that seemed to make any bit of sense since this party began.

Well, that and the fact that my best friend was finally beginning to see reason. I knew going out of his toxic sector would do him good.

After Lacy, I didn't think he would ever look at anyone the way he looked at Ivy, after the shocking kiss.

He was so faithful to Lacy, and I knew he once loved her, but that was two years ago. He should have moved on but I knew he couldn't... She was the first girl he'd ever loved and I didn't understand that concept but- I was glad he was beginning to lean in to Ivy. I was glad he was beginning to slip out of that dark spot he buried himself in.

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