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It felt like forever.

Roman had been in that room with Malcolm since forever. I tapped my foot on the ground impatiently, my head in my hand as my mind replayed everything that happened, over and over again.

Ralph had driven my car like a mad man on a race, we had gotten to the musel in such little time, and we found them there.

Roman had looked so cold, so...so pale-- so dead. The feeling that gripped me at that moment could be described clearly as shock. I was horrified, terrified. In fact, that was the moment I truly understood the scared to the bone feeling. My whole body was pinned to one spot.

We had driven back to the RTR in a rush, seeing as Roman was getting worse by the minute.

It was the exact replica of the feeling I got after reaching home that day, the day my life changed for the worse. I couldn't shake the sick feeling from my guts. All this wasn't supposed to be happening... Why is all this happening?

"I don't understand." Fiona's shaky voice broke us all out of our individual thoughts.

I raised my head.

"Why would they- why would they take him and just drop him at the Musel base? What did they want from him?" She asked.

That question had been burning in my mind since this whole trouble started.

"Yeah, how did you find him Ethan?" Caramel asked, our attention going to land on Ethan, who leaned against the wall opposite me, he looked tense and uneasy, almost like Fiona's voice and Caramel's questions had jerked him back to reality, and they were the exact questions he didn't want to give answers to.

"The Lithians." He said after a while. "One of the boys saw him dropped down there. They knew he was a mutual friend to me, so they called to let me know."

"Oh." Was all I could utter.

"That still doesn't answer why the Inc Lords would do this to him." Ralph said.

"Maybe he stumbled across something he wasn't supposed to." Caramel suggested.

Fiona shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Roman is careful, he's always careful. He know these computer things and he knows how to stay out of trouble."

"Yeah, the chances of him making a mistake and stepping on the Inc lords territory is quite slim." I said.

"This draws us to the Rebel-lions... I mean, they could have kidnapped him just to get some inside information about what we do." Ralph suggested.

"No..." I shook my head. "If they wanted that, they'd have taken me. I have all the information they need."

At this, Ethan eyes fell on me.

"I can snag up one of them for questioning, maybe torture the victim a time or two, I can have him spewing out the info we need in seconds." Caramel said, looking really serious about her opinion.

"I don't think we need to torture anyone." I said immediately.

"How else do we deal with this then? We can't let this go unpunished, Ivy. They touched someone from our inner circle, no one's allowed to fuck with us like that." Ralph said, looking pretty angry.

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