Chapter 4 - Discovery

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A few days later
Georgia's POV
I wake up at 7am at first completely forgetting about seeing Paramore, I start to get ready for work, and when I walk past my calendar, I see out of the corner of my eye that it’s the 27th, and underneath the number 27 I see that it says “MEETING PARAMORE TODAY!!” I then quickly figure out that today will be the day that I will finally meet Paramore. I will try and keep my inner fan girl in but I cannot guarantee anything. I decide to go causal to work instead of like a tramp who has just rolled off the street, I start planning out what I am going to wear in the shower and decided on black skinny jeans, a grey top and a black zip up hoodie. As I walk down stairs to put on my work coat various scenarios flow through my head, such as I meet Paramore and make a fool out of myself and they feel ashamed of me as a fan... I probably will make a fool out of myself, but I don't think they will feel ashamed of me as they say they love every fan the same way, no matter what they do or who they are... But I suppose there is a first for everything. I quickly slip on my black converse, I then take out my phone and quickly tweet:
 *@Georgia: working at Wembley Arena today and tomorrow with the one and only @Pararmore!*
I then grab my bag with overnight clothes and car keys which are on the side and move quickly out of the door to jump into my 3 door Ford Focus and pull out of the drive, put Paramore on which fills the empty silence in my car with Future as I embark on my hour trip to work. I leave my house on time at 9:30am as work would prefer it if the backstage crew arrived before the acts. Eliza and The Bear are due to arrive at 12pm, Charlie XCX at 1pm and Paramore at 2:30pm, so it gives me plenty of time to beat the traffic and set up before they all arrive.
Hayley's POV:

Since Birmingham nothing has really stuck out in my mind with something I'm going to really remember apart from the tour being crazy! So it's down to Wembley Arena to pull off this weird feeling I have.
We are currently on our way from Nottingham to Wembley and we are about an hour away from our destination. I check my phone for the time it's 9:45am, wow we are going to be very early... I prefer to be early, because we can have time to chill out and meet the crew and possibly take a trip out into the immediate area.
"Hayley? Taylor? How do we feel about performing at Wembley Arena tonight and tomorrow night both of which are sold out?! I'M SO EXCITED!!" Jeremy exclaims, with a grin plastered on his face.
I giggle and reply with "yeah I'm totally excited to. This is going to be rad! Slightly nervous though" 
"Awh Hayles you'll do fine like you always do!" Both Jeremy and Taylor reply at the same time.
"JINX AGAIN" they both exclaimed at the same time.
I just laughed at both of their silliness. I got up and went to the bunks and climbed into my own. I then took out my phone and scrolled through my twitter feed and checking out any tweets that are Paramore related. I'm scrolling for around ten minutes seeing tweets about the UK tour, and new photos of the guys and myself, until I come across this one tweet that caught my eye for some unknown reason.
*@Georgia: working at Wembley Arena today and tomorrow with the one and only @Pararmore!*
I then find myself scrolling through her twitter page, looking at her photos, her tweets. I find that she is a Paramore fan which only given away by her tweets about us. When I look at her photos I see that she has striking deep blue eyes, and long dark brown hair. She looks perfect! Wait what? Williams you're as straight as a lamppost. You don't know what you are talking about.
I try and shake this Georgia girl from my head, and sleep for the last little bit of journey. I fumble around in my pocket for my earphones, put them in my phone and put on my favourite playlist which consists of Elvis, Jimmy Eat World, mewithoutyou, Failure and many other bands. I drop into a restless nap thinking about Georgia.

At 11am Jeremy wakes me up from my slumber, telling me that we are at Wembley Arena, and we have to meet all of the backstage crew. I get myself ready, and looking presentable, I put a little bit more makeup on than normal. Walking out of the bus I suddenly feel super nervous, I scan my eyes through all of the backstage crew searching for Georgia. I have to look across them all until I finally find her, she’s three from the end, with her fingers tied together, she is looking down at the floor at her feet. Hmm that’s unusual… Especially for a fan! I decide to start over at that side of the line, so it gives me a chance to work up to seeing her, and hopefully she will acknowledge that I’m here.


So thats chapter four! Please comment and vote if you think it's any good!



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