Chapter 20 - Breaking Down

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Georgia’s POV:

I have now been living with Hayley for a few months, we have come out to the public as a couple, and Hayley has had a hard time adjusting to having a new look on her. But since moving out here, it has been the best time of my life, not only have I got to spend time with the person I love, I have been able to travel with my most favourite band. I have been getting upset more frequently lately, because it’s coming up to the time of year when my Dad died. It’s the most horrible time of the year aside from his Birthday. He died on the 14th April and I am currently about a week away from it. I try and cry when Hayley is out, because I don’t want to bother her with all of my problems and weigh her down, when she has enough to deal with herself. But sometimes I can’t help but cry and get upset when she is here, she comforts me and asks me what’s wrong, but I can never bring myself to tell her, I always make up an excuse such as, I’ve had a bad day or I’ve seen some comments about me being with her.

“Babe? Are you in?” I hear Hayley call from downstairs, I wipe my eyes and try to compose myself from crying.

“Yeah, I’m upstairs.” I call back to her. I hear her running up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and she bursts into our bedroom, the grin on her face, falling into a sad frown, when she sees that I have been crying.

“What’s happened babe?” She asks me, looking deep into my eyes. I long to tell her but I know I can’t.

“Nothing. I’m fine honestly!” I try and persuade her, but failing.

“No you’re not fine! Don’t lie to me. I want to be able to help you!” Hayley replies, moving over to me and wrapping her arms around me. All I can do is just sob into her shoulder as I hug her tightly. “Shhh, it’s okay, everything is going to be okay.”

I pull away, trying to close myself off from her, as I know that if I leave down my barriers it will all come spewing out. I move away from her. “Sorry about that.” I sniffle and grab a tissue from the en-suite to wipe my eyes and blow my nose. Hayley follows me into the bathroom, blocking the door so I can’t get out.

“Are you going to tell me what that was about?” She questions me. I could just tell her and let her help me. It would make things so much easier for me. But it could break her down, don’t tell her. You don’t need to burden your problems on her. My subconscious sneers at me, and it’s right. I’m nothing but a burden,

“Er hello? Georgia! Are you going to tell me?” Hayley asks again.

I shake my head at her, I can’t afford to let her in, she will only get swallowed into my emotions.

“This is a two way relationship Georgia, how can I expect you to help me with my problems when you won’t tell me yours!” Hayley replies, damn she’s getting angry. I don’t blame her though.

“I’m sorry Hayles, I can’t tell you, and I can’t be a burden to you.” I say emotionless, but tears are threatening to fall.

“Why won’t you tell me? You are getting more and more upset recently. Have I done something wrong? Are you not happy here? Because if you aren’t we can work something out. You can go back to England if you wanted, I can come and visit every weekend. We can work it out!” Hayley pleads, she’s still pretty pissed at me though.

“I can’t burden you with my problems. You haven’t done anything wrong I promise. I am happy here with you, I would be like this whether I was at home or here. I can’t help being like this. I’m sorry” I try and explain myself, without saying too much.

“Well then what is it? Why can’t you tell me? Are you afraid about what I will think of you? I can help you if you tell me, I can support you.”

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