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Wednesday 20th of May 2015
Noelles POV

PR stunts were fucking awful. It broke my heart for poor Louis and Harry who couldnt be free together. Honestly devastating.

Today, Me,Lottie,Gigi Hadid and Harrys latest stunt Georgia Fowler, also a model alongside Gigi, who was visiting London, took a trip to the nearest shopping center. We had a scheduled plan and it was arranged for us 4 to have lunch with Simon,Liam and Harry at 3.

Niall and Louis were writing and recording their newest album that was due to be released in the coming months and the fact they werent offered the invite to attend the stunt by Simon

I had a large jacket on to cover my bump and the girls were all on high lookout for fans and to make sure i was angling myself and dot correctly.

As we strolled through the center, Gigi and Georgia were deep in conversation while me and Lottie  talked quietly together. 

We walked past primark and i went to go in till Lottie steered me clear.

"I only need thongs.." i began as we walked past it.

"I know angel, but when were out on a PR walk like this, we need to be spotted buying at high end shops. Come on, lets get thongs from victoria secret.. Gigi and Georgia can get you a discount anyways." She smiles.

I loved Lottie. She was my bestfriend And sister in one. She always looked out for me and explained to me the A Listers world.

I sighed. Niall and i had a clear conversation a month ago that Primark Lingerie was just as nice as my odd Victorias Secrets Piece and we had decided we would keep them pieces for events, and keep my sexy Primark lace for every day wear.

I turned around to look at Paul and a new security member who was named Graham trying to hold back some young girls.

"NOELLE! HEY! YOUR SO GORGEOUS I LOVE YOU" called a girl around 15 i'd say.

"CAN WE MEET YOU ALL" they all beg and Paul looks at us.

"Just the 5 of you don't encourage any mates along"

"We won't we promise" they smile

"hii! Whats your name" i smile as the blonde girl came to hug me. I prayed little dot wouldn't kick against her.

"Im Aurelia, im 15 from Yorkshire. Im only here in London cause i was visiting Mia-Leigh"

"You all have beautiful names!" Says Georgia as she hugs another brunette.

"How old are you girls"

"Im 13" smiles a ginger girl names Claire.

"16" smiled Mia-Leigh

"15" said Aurelia and the blonde haired Anna.

"17" Smiles Kodi a girl with black hair in a tight black sleek ponytail. She was visibly the oldest of the group as she sported a cheeky red lip.

"Its lovely to meet you all! Will we take a picture?" Smiles Georgia and the girls nod.

"Thanks so much again girls!" Lottie smiles as we wave them goodbye.
We then rush to victoria secret where i find thongs and then make our way to lunch at Rose de Vie.


"You 4 look wrecked" Liam laughs kissing Lotties head.

"Yeah so tired loves" Harry says softly as i sit one side of him with Lottie beside me and Georgia sits the other and leaves Gigi sitting beside Simon across the table with Liam.

"Right. Good afternoon everyone. Good day shopping?" Simon asks

We all nod.

"What did you get in Victoria Secret Noelle" simon asks tilting his head towards the big pink and black bag.

I blushed and cringed. I didn't want to have to tell a 50 something year old man i bought thongs and bras. It was none of his business.

Harry shot a look at Simon and Simon still waited expectantly for an answer..

"She got thongs and bras Simon. Not that it's any of your business what a 20 year old can buy and can't buy" Lottie says as she scolds him.

He rolls his eyes.

"Anyways.. on better news, the band has to announce the new album soon. Im thinking July 23rd"

"Thats Me and Nialls anniversary"

"Yeah and its also the day the band got together 5 years ago Noelle. Theres more important things then your anniversary"

"Stop speaking to her like shit!" Georgia says angrily. Even if she was Harrys Beard, she was one of his best. She took none of Simons shit.

I rolled my eyes and ate my lunch as soon as it came. I was desperate for this meeting to be over. I felt harry hold my hand under the table and Lottie hugged me for reassurance. I loved them both. Ugh. I loved them all. And i couldn't wait to get home to Niall and tell him how our manager treats us both like shit.

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