Menstruation cycle!

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Note : I wanted to write on this topic from soooooo many days and finally here it is! One of the most painful period in a girls life.


R: Do you feel like killing someone just because you wish to! Has it ever happened that you're roaming as a human bomb ready to explode any second just because of your hormones! Like you just wish to strangle someone?

V: umm no!

He answered back confused, looking at her flustrated best friend who seemed too much irritated.

R: of course not! Why the fuck would you? When you don't even have to face it!!

V: face what?

R: these fucking periods!

She yelled and the voice was so loud that vansh had to close his ears. Damn his best friend, she could really get hyper in these days!

V: oh menstruation! Yeah I remember,  the thin lining of uterus coming out from vagina in the form of blood. And period occur when the ova isn't fertilized.

He was lost in the biology lessons he had learned and that was when a slap landed on his forearms.

V: oww

He winced in pain as ridhima glared at him with fury.

R: did I asked for a biology lesson from you? Did I?

She again shouted.

V: calm down ridhima! Wait, come sit here!

He made her sit on the bed and passed a glass of water to her.

R: I can't bare it!

She burst into tears and hugged him. He hugged her back and rubbed her back to soothe her pain.

V: shh. Wanna share your pain with me?

He whispered and she looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

R: I can't bear it! I don't want this, why the hell do they even come? Why are they so painful?

She whimpered and laid her head on his lap. He caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.

V: ridhima do you even know how lucky you're?

R: having periods is lucky?

She deadpanned and he nodded.

V: I agree they are painful, very painful. Very very painful but do you even know how respectful it is to be a woman? You guys are the reason we are born and believe me women are strongest creature I ever saw in my life.

R: I agree we are respectful but that doesn't means God will tell us only to bear every pain. It's us who has to give birth to a child, it's us who has to go through these periods, we are the ones who go through every damn thing, molestation, bearing tantrums, leaving our own home after wedding, why do we have to suffer so much?

She cried in his arms and he tried to comfort her but few tears fell from his eyes too, he can never see her best friend in pain and right now she's so much pain yet he's not able to do anything!

V: riddhu! Shh, calm down. See its natural, we can't do anything but accept this and make it out through it together.

He stroked her hair gently and she held his other hand in her small hands.

R: but these cramps are unbearable! And these mood swings, I feel like laughing in one moment and crying in other! ( shit I happened with me right now! I was laughing few mins back and now while writing this I am crying! Ughhhhhhhh)

Vansh was obviously feeling very bad for his riddhu, it was the first time she became so open about her pain. 12 years of their friendship, she was 4 when they both became best friends.

It had been 3 years since she got her first periods but was never this open to him. He knew she was suffering, he tried talking to her but she wasn't ready to open up.

And when she is now! It makes him feel proud and loved. He now knows that she trusts him enough to share her pain with him and now he'll walk with her in this pain, to soothe her pain down and also his trembling heart down.

His heart stings seeing her crying and whimpering like this but he needs to stay strong for her, she needs him more than anyone else.

R: these fucking ovulation that irritates you and not to forget these stupid pimples and acne that just pops up without any warning! These cravings and no one to fulfill it.

The pain was so evident in her last line ( see I was neutral right now but I again teared up! * sobbing without any reason *)

V: who said no one to fulfill the cravings! Your Vansh is always there for you.

He caressed her cheeks as she looked into his eyes.

R: I know you're always there for me! But I am talking about our parents!!!!
In India, 90% of Indian parents don't know how to handle their daughters during their periods!

She again teared up, when she said mood swings she actually meant it!

R: And the girls who suffer PCOD, they are wreck! These fucking periods!!  We can't even wear our favorite clothes, we can't play sports! Leave sports, we can't even walk properly during these days!

She buried her face in his lap and he held her tightly. His heart pained, he couldn't do anything except pamper and care for her. He couldn't share her pain but he can atleast bring her hot water bag, rub her tummy and cuddle with her to make her fall asleep.

He can atleast get her chocolates and all the other dishes she's craving for, it's the least he could do. So with determination to make his best friend happy

V: so do you want some chocolates?

Her face instantly lit up and Vansh was amused by her reactions. He was right! She just needed to pampered.

R: yessssss

She again shouted but this time vansh chuckled and went to bring chocolates for his dear best friend.
In the golden orange lights of setting sun, the hidden moon witnessed a magical bond growing.


Hello people, this os is wrote by someone who is actually suffering right now! I am crying, I was laughing last moment. Ughhhhhhhh!!!!! Why the fuck do we get these fucking periods!!!

And please write all your frustration in the comments and do join me in my crying sessions. And please people, don't get shy from this topic. There is nothing wrong in discussing it openly! And I didn't mention not visiting temple as its a myth and you all better not believe all these!

And I am hoping for comments and if I see less comments, I will believe that people are still awkward about discussing it openly! I am hoping for some changes in upcoming time so do comment.

But I think this is the first time I cursed so much while writing! So it was her __queen_of__Darkness who said me to write this on my experience. And I don't have any best friend like Vansh to bear my tantrums and mood swings! Not every girl is as lucky as her!

So enough of my rantings, ah I know it was very short but wanted to take my frustration and anger out so wrote this.

Till my next update take care and stay safe!! Byeeeee

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