Mr Jealous Raisinghania.

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R: God I missed you so much.

She exclaimed and ran into his arms and our Mr Vansh raisinghania was shooting staggers at both of them.

Ridhima was hugging his old childhood friend Rahul , he is a doctor too like ridhima. They both grew up in the same orphanage and he was her best friend before sejal came into the picture and he went abroad for studies

D: Ridhima beta who is he?

R: Dadi he is my childhood friend Rahul , we grew up in the same orphanage until he went abroad to study. Can he stay here for a while ?

D: of course beta it's your house. And you, tell me all your favorite dishes.

She ordered making ridhima smile.

Ra: oh sweetheart I missed you too.

OK, now this was the only thing left to provoke our Mr jealous raisinghania. He called her SWEETHEART.

S: Aww sweetheart! such a cute nickname.

Ridhima smiled at that and remembered her and Vansh moments.
She reminded herself that she is upset with him, he didn't trust her so now he is seeing the consequences.

She is in full mode of ignoring him.

Ra: yes, I always used to call her sweetheart in orphanage. She is actually a sweetheart, she always want to help others giving them importance more than herself. She is the most selfless person I have ever seen.

I : I agree to that, she is indeed the most selfless angel. What she did for our family is something I don't think anyone would ever do.

Ridhima smiled.

Ra: yes my sweetheart is an angel.

He said kissing side of her head. Suddenly they heard a voice of something breaking. They turned around and saw Vansh looking at them innocently where in reality he actually threw the vase. Poor vase.

Ridhima shot him a glare and sia smirked understanding the situation.
Her dear bro is jealous.

R: come I'll show you the room

V: actually I'll show you the room, hi myself Vansh Raisinghania ridhima's hu-

He was cut off by ridhima.

R: come with me.

She said and walked away leaving behind a shocked VR and giggling ishani and sia. Angre held back a snicker, he had never seen his boss getting cut off like this.

D: she is hurt beta give her some time, you have to earn her forgiveness. What you did to her was very wrong, she was dying without you and you played with her emotions. You can't expect her to forgive you this easily. You called her so many names.

V: you are right dadi I have to earn her forgiveness. I know I did wrong by judging and misunderstanding her.
Where she was just protecting you all and me being an idiot thought she attacked sia.

Ra: what the hell!!??! How can you even think of it???

He exclaimed, not really believing his ears. Vansh looked ashamed.

Ra: how can you think so low of her? She can not even harm a fly. How can you think she attacked someone?

He had a horrified look on his face while others were looking down ashamed. All the family members misunderstood her. When Vansh fell from cliff, he returned as vihaan and fooled her. He played with her emotions.

After sending them jail he wanted revenge on ridhima because he thought that she was responsible for Sia's condition. He cold shouldered her, ignored her, emotionally tortured her. He said some words which pierced her heart.

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