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Note: I always wanted to write something like this, ridhima visiting Vansh's office and then dhamaka.


The rays of sun illuminating in the pastel morning sky, the chirping birds giving a wake up call to our love birds.

The warm rays of sunlight peeped through the curtains disturbing their sleep. Tangled in each other, his head on her chest while her one hand in his hair and the other on his bare back. He was clinging onto her like a baby, their faint breathing falling upon each other.

He snuggled more closer to her, trying to block the rays which disturbed their beauty sleep. Ridhima woke up, blinking her eyes few times she got to witness the most beautiful sight anyone could ask for.

Seeing their loved ones face as the first thing of morning. A soft smile appeared on her lips as she saw him sleeping peacefully. She ran her hand through his hair, making him smile unconsciously. He could feel her touch.

His eyes still closed, he held her waist firmly making her startled.

V: good morning sweetheart.

He whispered groggily and she smiled. She leaned in to kiss his forehead.

R: good morning Vansh.

She whispered and snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

V: if you wake me up like this every morning then it has to be good.

He grumbled and kissed her collar bone.

V: hey baby.

He bent down to her stomach and planted a kiss making her shiver at the contact.

V: see you are troubling papa so much, you are giving mumma wierd cravings and Papa has to fulfill them in middle of the night. Please princess, at least have some mercy on papa.

He pouted and she smiled. Him talking with their baby was not a new thing, since the day he has accepted their symbol of love he has fallen in love with the baby.

R: seems like papa raisinghania is irritated with the baby.

V: papa can never be irritated with the baby, it's his right to pamper princess and mumma.

He said nuzzling his nose on her stomach.

R: OK now get up, I want to freshen up.

He pouted, looking at her with puppy eyes but gave up when she glared at him. You not really want to mess with Mrs RVR, her pregnancy mood swings are worst. One moment she will wish good morning and the other she might slap you. She went to freshen up and he ruffled his hair with a goofy smile.

Her every shade is a treat for him, he is blessed to have her in his life. All he wants now is her and their little bundle of joy in his arms.

V: Acha ridhima, I am leaving for office now and I might get late.

He said as they both were walking downstairs, she nodded and he kissed her forehead before bidding her a quick goodbye.

V: angre don't forget to take those files.

She could hear his faint voice while he kept walking ahead.

Ang: boss main sambhal lunga.

She heard Angre's voice as both of them walked out of the door.

She sighed. He was again gone with his first wife, angre. Sometimes she even wondered, what if angre actually has some feelings for Vansh!

R: hey bhagwan! What if Vansh leaves me for angre.

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