I will always love you

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Note : no vihaan drama, yes kabir blackmailed her for wedding but she only thought of killing herself.


V: you cannot leave me ridhima. You cannot leave me. You just can't. Wake up ridhima please wake up. Please open you eyes. RIDHIMA.

His voice trembling with fear and anxiety. He just lost her. His ridhima.

Earlier :

V: this marriage is not possible.

He entered the mansion in his full attitude aura but was a bit late. Ridhima had already consumed poison, and was feeling dizzy.

R: vansh

Was the last thing came out from her mouth before she fainted and foam started coming out from her mouth. Everyone was shocked seeing her like this including Vansh himself.


Angre went near her and saw a poison bottle in her hand.

Ang: we need to call the doctor, bhabhi consumed poison.

Vansh ran to her putting her head in his lap and patted her face.

V: ridhima ... ridhima.

Here doctor was treating her and the whole family was happy to get their Vansh back, after a lot of questions this thing finally tricked into their mind that why did she take poison?

Ang: but right now the main concern is that why did she take poison?

I: maybe she didn't wanted this wedding to take place.

D: but she said yes, without anyone forcing her.

V: that's what you know, maybe there was someone who was blackmailing her.

He said eyeing kabir and he gulped down in fear.

V: by the way inspector kabir, you are my mum's son right?  So my brother as well. I am ready to accept you as my brother but just one thing STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE.

He nodded trembling in fear, Which was not unnoticed by angre. Doctor came out and he rushed to him.

V: how's she doctor ?  Is she fine? Will she be OK? 

Doc: yes, Mr raisinghania she is fine for now. We have given the antidote of that poison but you have to make sure that her body temperature remains normal. But we have a bad news as well, she is suffering from depression. You need to be careful around her, a little bit of stress and she can again think of committing suicide.

You need to do something so that her depression can be cured, make her laugh.

Whole family was shocked.

I: she was suffering from depression?

D: poor my child, she was suffering so much yet we were not able to see it.

V: nothing will happen to her dadi. I am back.

The whole family left them alone and here kabir was destroying the whole room in rage.

K: how can it be possible? How come he's not dead. No Vansh raisinghania you have to die, now you can't come in between my dreams and ridhima.

A: kabir calm down, firstly stop this destruction or family will suspect you. You need to calm down and think wisely, you can't take any decision like this.

K: but how the hell is he alive? He fell down almost 1000 feets. That too without even getting hurt, something's wrong mom and I need to find it out.

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