Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

I look down on my feet, shuffling around a little out of nervousness. "So... uh... are we good now?" I said, offering my hand for him to shake. He stands up and smile at me. "Yeah... we're good" he said, shaking my hand. I smile at him and he smiles back. I turn to my sister to see her smiling brightly at me. Then the three of us head to the dining room and have some breakfast. This time my sister choose to sit next to me. I'm so happy for that...

-Sibling Bonding Time-


After breakfast, just like El said. We're going around the town and have some fun. We're going to have a quality sibling time.

We said bye to Mike, who's pouting. "Why can't I go with you two?" He said. I giggle and gently ruffle his hair. "Sorry, bro... El is all mine today. You've even hogging her since we returned. Now it's my turn..." I said. He just roll his eyes and smile at me. "Alright... have fun you two... and Y/N... don't forget to return my girlfriend" he said. "Oooh~ girlfriend... you hear that El?" I said. The two of them blush at what I just said.

"Also... don't forget Mike. El's my sister long before she's your girlfriend" I said, playfully glaring at him. He just laugh and nod his head. "Alright... you win on that one, Y/N..." he said. I giggle and link arms with El. Then the two of us walk out of the house. I get on my bike as El did the same. Then we start to cycle around the town.

At some point, we even take it as a race. El ended up winning. She starts whooping in celebration. I just roll my eyes at her.

"Ooooh~ someone is being a sour loser..." she said in a sing-sang voice. "Whatever..." I said, giving her an eye roll. This action makes her laugh. I just smile at her happy self.

I look forward and saw a lake. "Hey El?" I called out. "Yeah?" She said, finally stopped laughing. I gesture towards the lake with my head. "Wanna sit around there?" I said. She turns her head towards where I was pointing. "Sure... lets go" she said. We start to cycle there.

We park our bike and get off of it. I link my arm with El's. Then we make our way over to the lake. She sits down on a tree bark and I did the same. I smile as I watch the shimmering of the water given by the sun.

Hawkins is a really beautiful place. But... I still can't help myself... I just miss Hogwarts. All the magical things that happens around there. To my friends... Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco. I really misses them.

"Are you okay?" El said. I turn my head to look at her. "Yeah... of course... why do you ask?" I asked. She reaches out and wipe my cheeks. That's when I realize I've been crying while recalling the time I have back in Hogwarts.

"Oh..." was the only thing that comes out of my lips. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She said. I just look down and sigh. I stare at my feet, feeling bad that I ruined the moment.

"I'm sorry... I must've ruined our sibling bonding..." I said. "It's alright... you're always there for me. So I wanna do the same for you. Now... tell me... why do you look upset?" She said. I softly smile at her. Then I look forward.

"I just... I really miss Hogwarts..." I said, feeling sad. "Oh... I see..." she said, in a hush tone. I sigh once again and hugs my knees.

"Hogwarts for me is like Hawkins for you, El... I know you like it here... but it's just not the place for me. I miss all the time I had in Hogwarts. The time I've spent around with Harry... Ron... Hermione and... Draco... I wanna go back there. But I don't wanna leave you... I know you wanted to be here... to be with Mike... I know how much you love him... and I don't wanna take that away from you... that would be so cruel..." I said, looking down as more tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. El gently pull me closer. I just place my head on her shoulder. She caress my hair softly.

"You know... if you really miss Hogwarts. You can go, Y/N... you don't have to worry about me... it's alright. You have to chase after your happiness..." she said. "I can't just leave you..." I said. "You're not... you can always come back, remember?" She said.

"El... you know it didn't work like that. Especially after the talk we had a while ago..." I said. She frowns as she remember which one I'm talking about.

About a week after we returned to Hawkins. Before our argument. They're talking about how they could close up the gate.


It's been a week since we returned to Hawkins. I'm just sitting in the dining room with El and Mike's family. They're talking about the chaos that's been going around because of the Demogorgons.

"We have to close the gate" Mike's Dad said. I froze when I hear those words. "Yeah... we have to. It's the only way to stop the Demogorgons to come..." Mike's mom said, agreeing with her husband.

I look down and clench my hands into a tight fist. I bit my lips as I think about what will happened after closing the gate. The gate to the Upside Down is the way for me to open the Portal to Hogwarts. If we close it... I won't be able to go back there.

End of Flashback

"You're right..." she said. "That's why... I can't just go there... if I did... it'll mean I'll have to say goodbye to you... and I can't do that, El... you're my family..." I said. El just stays silent and pulls me into a hug. She gently rub my back, trying her best to comfort me. I wrap my arms around her as I cry softly.

After a while, I finally calmed down. I let out a sigh "I really wish Hawkins and Hogwarts are on the same world... not in a different dimensions..." I said. "I promise... we'll find a solution, alright?" El said, smiling at me. I turn to look at her and smile.

I turn to look forward and notice the sky is starting to get pretty dark. "Wow... the time sure flies fast. I think we have to head back now... it's already getting dark..." I said. El looks up at the sky as well and nod her head in agreement.

She stands up and offers her hand to me. I smile and gently grab her hand. Then she pulls me up to my feet. I stumble a little because she pulls me a little to hard. But she catches me to prevent me from falling. We laugh a little at the little accident, which luckily none of us get hurts. We head back to our bike and start cycling home. Along the way... the only thing on my mind was...

Should I stay here or go?

*to be continued*

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