Chapter 31

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Previously on Chapter 30

"I'm going to try to call out for my sister... she must thought I'm dead. She needs to know that I'm still alive..." I said. "You need to rest..." he said. "I'll be fine..." I said. He lets out a sigh and nods his head. I close my eyes and focus on my sister in Hawkins.


-You're Alive!!-

El P.O.V

I continue to cry in Mike's arms. He keeps rocking me back and forth as he tries his best to calm me down. But no matter what he did, I can't seem calm down. My sister is gone... she's gone.

El... I heard. My eyes snap opened as I look around. Then I realize it's in my head. Y-Y/N? I-Is that... y- you? I said. Of course... who else? She said. My eyes widened as I pull away from Mike. He looks startled, but I just ignore him and focus on Y/N.

Y-You're alive?? H-How? Y-You were... I tried to say but I can't finish my sentence. I know, sis. It's a long story... but I'm alright... I can assure you that... she said. A huge smile appear on my face.

Oh Y/N... you don't know how much you scared me. DO NOT do that to me again! I said. I can hear her soft laugh. I'm sorry, sis... I won't do it again... she said. Promise? I said. I can feel her smile. I promise, sis... and I'm sorry... I can't open the portal now. My body is still too weak... she said.

At Hogwarts


It's alright... just take a rest. I'm just so happy you are okay... she said. I smile softly. Yeah... I'll come back to you as soon as possible, okay? I said. Don't worry about it... just take your time... no need to rush... she said. Okay sis... I love you... I said. I love you too, Y/N... she said. Then we cut the contacts.

I open my eyes and turn to look at Draco. "Now she knows I'm alright..." I said. "Good... now you need to get some more rest" he said. I just nod my head. He stands up and leans down, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Sleep well, Y/N..." he said. "Will you be here when I wake up?" I asked. He nods his head, smiling at me. "I'll always be here..." he said. I smile and close my eyes, letting myself drift off into deep sleep.


I wake up and realize it's night time. I move to sit up and lean my back against the headboard. I stare at the ceiling, deep in thought.

I'm kind of worried. Now that the Gate to the Upside Down is closed. Would I able to open the portal back to Hawkins? Back then... El is closing the gate while I hold the portal open. That's why we're able to come back here.

But this is different. I didn't hold the portal open. So I don't know if I'm able to open it after El closed the Gate. What if it's shut close, along with the gate? What if I'm never able to meet my sister again? So many what ifs... and it's slowly making my head hurt. I can't talk about this to El... she's going to be very upset.

I'm too deep in thought, that I don't realize someone enters the hospital wing. I only realize I'm not alone, when the person starts talking.

"Hey..." the person said, making me jump. I turn my head to see Draco. "Draco..." I said. He smiles and seat at the edge of the bed. "Sorry for not being here when you wake up. It's dinner time... every students is required to be in the dining hall..." he said. "It's alright... you're here now..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles back at me.

"Here... I brought you some food..." he said, placing the tray on my lap. "Thank you, Draco..." I said. He smiles and place a soft kiss on my cheek. "Anything for you, Y/N..." he said. I smile shyly at him and start to eat.

Draco stands up and take a seat on the chair next to the bed. "The others said they'll be here after they're done with their dinner..." he said. "Alright..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles back and leans his back against the seat. I just stay silent a I continue to eat.

After a while, I'm finally done with my dinner. Draco grab the tray and place it on the table. He takes a seat next to me on the bed. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. I just lean my head on his shoulder.

I frown when I feel him shaking. I pull away slightly to see him with tears in his eyes. I lift my hand and place it on the side his cheek, turning him to look at me.

"Why are you crying?" I said, looking at him with a worried expression. He lift his hand, placing it on top of mine. "When... I-I thought y-you were g-g-gone... I... I f-feel s-so lost, Y/N..." he said. I gently cup his cheeks.

"Draco... look at me" I said, in a soft voice. He looks at me with sadness. I smile and place a soft peck on his lips. Then I gently grab his hands and place them on my cheeks.

"Feel that? Warmth. You know what that means?" I said. He just stares at me, not saying a word. I smile softly. "That means I'm still here... and I'm not going anywhere..." I said. He leans into my touch. "I don't ever wanna lose you... I can't..." he said. "You are not going to lose me..." I said, shaking my head. He just pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him back gently.

The door opens to reveal the trio. I pull away from Draco and smile at them. They grin when they sees me awake. They run towards me.

"Guys! It's the hospital! Stop running!" I said. They instantly stops running and speed walks towards me. Hermione sits on the other side of me. While Harry and Ron sits by my feet.

Harry place his hand on my feet. "I am so glad to see you're alive..." he said. "Yeah... I really thought that we're going to lose you, Y/N..." Hermione said. "Do not scare us like that again!" Ron said. I let out a soft giggle at their scoldings. "Guys... I am alright. Don't worry..." I said. "You're our best friend. We will be worried when it comes to your health, dummy!" Ron said.

"Who are you calling dummy? She's my girlfriend" I hear Draco said, glaring at Ron. "Wait... what??" Harry said, looking at him wide-eyed. "Is that true, Y/N?" Hermione said. "Yeah... we just got together a couple of days ago..." I said. Harry and Ron just stare at me wide-eyed.

"Well... she might be your girlfriend, Malfoy. But she is still our best friend. So we expect you to treat her right... or you'll be facing us!" Harry said. "I don't need you to tell me that, Potter! I know how to treat my girl, right" Draco said, rolling his eyes. I let out a groan of annoyance.

"Quit it. Both of you! Stop bickering!! You're making me dizzy! Can you two please just get along with one another?" I said. "Sorry..." they said, simultaneously. "Thank you" I said. We look at each other, then burst out laughing.

We fill the rest of the night with laughter. I really feel like home being around them. But of course... I miss my sister. I hope I can still open the portal, so I can see her again.

*to be continued*

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