Chapter 46

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Previously on Chapter 45

I drop on my knees and blood starts dripping down my nose. I feel pain shooting up my head. I fall on my side and groan in pain. The pain soon got too much and everything turns black.

-Final Breakdown-

Harry P.O.V

I hear screaming coming from the girl's side of the dorm. It sounded like Y/N. Oh no... this is all my fault. I fight with myself whether I should go to her room or not. But the rule is... oh whatever. I've been into countless of trouble anyway. One more wouldn't hurt.

I run towards her room. I open the door and my eyes widened when they landed on Y/N's unconscious body on the floor. "Y/N!!" I yelled. I run towards her and kneels down next to her. I cradle her in my arms and pat her cheek gently.

"Y/N... Y/N wake up! Oh Merlin, Y/N... I-I am s-so sorry..." I said, tears streams down my cheeks. I pick her up and rush her out of the Gryffindor room. I run passed Draco, Hermione and Ron.

Draco P.O.V

I turn my head just in time to see Harry carrying Y/N, while running passed us. "Hey! Harry! Aren't you suppose to be taking her to her room!" I said. He just ignore me and keep running. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion.

My eyes widened, as I feel panic surging through my body when I realize which way he's going. He's going to the Hospital Wings. Without thinking any further, I start running after him.

I watch as he enters the Hospital Wings. I run to him and enter the room to0. I watch as Harry lay Y/N on the bed, and Madam Pomfrey rush to her side.

"Y/N!" I said, running towards her. I kneel down on the bed and gently take her hand in mine. I look up at Harry. "W-What happen to h-her?" I asked. He looks at me for a few seconds, then he looks away. I can see something flash in his eyes. He looks... sad and... guilty.

"You two need to leave for a bit. Let me focus on the girl's treatment" madam Pomfrey said. I just nod my head and walk out, with Harry following behind me.

I lean my back against the wall. I feel tingling on my neck. I grab the chain and pull out the necklace. It's glowing deep shade of grey. My eyes widened. Y/N is in a critical condition.

I swallow my spit that's stuck in my throat. I turn my head to look at Harry, who's leaning against the wall across from me. He looks sad, panic, and worried. I lick my lips, trying to calm myself so I can talk.

"So... what happened to Y/N?" I asked. He avoid eye contact with me, looking at all directions but me. Again I can see the guilt in his eyes. In an instant, I know what happened to Y/N have something to do with him.

"What. Did. You. Do, Potter?" I spat, while taking a few steps towards him. "I... I..." he stuttered out. I growl angrily. "What did you do!!" I yelled. He looks up at me.

"I... I kissed Y/N... and she... lose control of herself because of what happened..." he said, in a hush tone. But I can still hear him. I can feel anger growing in me.

"You did what??" I yelled. I speed walk towards him and push him against the wall. "If something happen to my girlfriend... oh... I will make you regret, Potter! You'll pay for what you've done!!" I yelled in his face. I take out my wand and point it at him. I was about to cast a spell on him when someone hold my wrist down.

"Calm down, Draco!" The person said, I know it's Ron. I struggle to break free because I need to teach Potter a lesson. But then my wand is pulled out of my hand. I turn my head to see Hermione. She have her wand pointed at me. In an instant I can tell she just use the disarm spell on me. I growl and yank my hand away from Ron's grip and glare at Hermione.

"Draco... calm down" she said. I glare at her. "Just shut up! This stupid friend of yours kissed Y/N, causing her to lose control of herself! Now she's in the hospital wings! Blood drips down her nose is a sign that she used her abilities! You all know what will happen if she use too much of it!" I yelled. My whole body is shaking from the amount of anger flowing in me.

Their eyes widened as they turn to look at Harry, expecting him to deny what I said. But he just look down. I can see their eyes filed with disbelief and disappointment at what Potter had done.

Tears streams down my cheeks as I thought what will happen if Y/N forgets about me. "Y/N..." I cried out, dropping on my knees. I start to cry harder as I thought about Y/N.

"Please Y/N... p-please d-don't forget a-about me... I can't lose you, Y/N... I can't" I said. Hermione kneels down next to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to. I wouldn't want my best friend to get hurt..." Harry said. I scoff and brush off Hermione's hand from my shoulder. I stand up and glare at angrily Harry.

"Best friend? Best friend you said?! What kind of best friend that made a move, huh??" I yelled. "D-Draco... I-I..." he stuttered. "Don't call me that!! You're not my friend, you son of a bitch! I can't believe that I even consider on tolerating you!" I yelled. He was about to say something, when the door to the Hospital Wings open. I turn my head to see Madam Pomfrey.

I rush towards her. "H-How is she? How's my girl?" I said. "She's stable now... she would wake up any time now..." she said, smiling at me. I let out a sigh of relief. "Can I see her?" I said. "Of course. Make sure to not be too loud... she's currently sleeping. She needs to rest..." she said. I nod my head. I start to walk, but notice Harry walks forward too. I turn I him and push him back.

I point my finger at his chest. "You..." I start, anger still growing. As I glare at him. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled out of pure anger. He open his mouth, but he didn't say anything when Ron place a hand on his shoulder. I glare at him one more time, then I turn around. I push the door open and rush towards her side.

I take a seat on the side of the bed. I gently grab her hand, placing it on my lap as I stare into her sleeping figure. "Y/N... I'm sorry I can't take care of you... I'm sorry I'm so useless..." I said, crying softly. Her eyes flutter slightly.

I lean closer to her face. She open her eyes and looks around. Then her eyes landed on me. Her eyes widen and she push me back.

"Wow... Y/N... it's me, Draco..." I said. "Draco?" She said. "Yes... Draco... you know me, right? I'm your boyfriend, Y/N..." I said, placing my hand on my chest as look at her expectantly. She stare at me for a bit. What she said next make me froze and my heart break into million pieces.

Who are you?

*to be continued*

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