Chapter 58

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Previously on Chapter 57

"No! I'm not going to leave you. Never! I promised you that I will always stay by your side and I'm NOT going to break that! We promised each other forever, remember?" I said, pulling away slightly to look at him in the eyes through the tears in my eyes. He choked a sob and pull me closer.

-Stay With Me-


"What are we going to do now?" I asked. "We go look for your sister... she must be with the others. They will know what to do..." he said, looking at me in the eyes. I nod my head, agreeing with him.

He pulls away from me and gently hold my hand. "I don't know how we could find them though" he said. "I do..." I said. "How?" He asked. "I can connect with El through our thoughts, remember?" I said. "But... that would mean you'll have to use your abilities..." he said. I nod my head.

"But what if you lose your memories again?" He said, looking at me with worried gaze. "Draco... I've been using it here and there. How do you think El return to Hogwarts? She can't return here without me. I'm the only one that can open the Portal. So you don't have to worry. I'll be fine..." I said. He lets out a sigh and nod his head. I smile at him and close my eyes.

El? I called out. But I was greeted with silence. El? Are you there? I said again. Why did she respond to me? Did something happen? I start to panic.

Y/N? She said. Oh thank God... El!! I said. Y/N?? Oh my God! Are you okay? You've been missing for like months!! Do you know how worried I was?? She said. I know El... but where are you? I said. I'm in hiding with Harry, Ron and Hermione. The dark lord have death eaters search all over she said. Can you tell me where you are? I said. Of course... we're by a lake... I'll send you an image... she said. Then a flash of image appear in my head. I try my best to memories the place.

I got it, El... I'm coming... I said. Okay... be careful, Y/N... and once you got here you owe me a lot of explanation! She said. Roger that, sis... I said. Then the connection cuts off.

I open my eyes and turn to look at Draco. "Do you know where they are?" He said. "I don't... but I know what the place looks like. Do you by any chance have paper and pencil?" I said. "I do..." he said. He take out a parchment of paper and a pencil. I take it from him and he sits down next to me. I start to draw the place, based on what I saw in my mind.

After a while, I'm finally done. I turn to Draco who have move to sit next to me. "Here... do you know this place?" I asked. He takes it from me and take a look.


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"Wow... I didn't know you're so good at sketching" he said, looking impressed. I let out a groan. "Focus, Draco!! Do you know the place??" I said, feeling a bit annoyed.

"Okay! Okay!! Sheesh... yes, I know this place... it's near the Black Lake..." he said. "Okay... lets head there now..." I said. He nods his head and stand up. He offers his hand to me. I place it on top of his and he pulls me up, a little too fast. I was sent flying into his arms.

"Woah... falling for me?" He said. I roll my eyes and smack his chest. "Sheesh... at the time like this, you are still as flirty as ever..." I said. "Only for you..." he said. I let out a giggle and peck his cheek. "Good... if you act flirty towards another girl, I'm going to cast you into oblivion..." I said. "Oooo~ I'm scared..." he said. This makes the two of us burst out laughing.

I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips. He pulls me closer and kisses me back. Then he pulls away and smile at me. "Alright... lets go..." he said. I nod my head. Then we turn towards the direction and starts walking.


"They should be around here somewhere..." I said. I look around the place and it looks the same with the one I saw in my head.

"Y/N..." I hear someone calls out. I turn my head to see El. My eyes lit up at the sight of her. I pull away from Draco and runs towards her. She opens her arms and welcomes me.

"Oh, Y/N... I thought that I would never see you..." she said. "Me too, El..." I said. I pull away and look at her. "You're okay, right?" She said. I nod my head. "I am, El... I'm okay..." I said. She smiles and hugs me again.

"Y/N? Is that really you??" I heard another voice. I pull away from El to see Harry, Ron and Hermione. I grin brightly and run to their open arms. They give me a group hug, making me laugh happily. I'm so happy that I can see them again.

Draco walks towards us. He looks awkward. After all, he's not really their friends. He told me after what happened to me because of Harry, he didn't talk to them that much.

"Draco... come on..." I said, outstretching my hand. He just looks at me. "You're safe with them now... I should go..." he said. "W-What? W-What are y-you talking about, Draco? You're out now. You're free!!" I said. He shakes his head. He rolls up his sleeve and show me a mark on his arm.

"I can't be free as long as I have this mark

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"I can't be free as long as I have this mark. They will find me. You're not safe with me... I have to go..." he said. He turns around, but I'm not having that.

I run towards him and pulls him into a back-hug. "Y/N... let me go..." he said. "No! We promised each other forever! You can't leave me..." I said. He turns to face me.

"You're not safe with me... you'll never be safe with me. You'll be safer with them. They can protect you better than I do..." he said. "But if you go back. You are going to get yourself killed!" I said. "I'll take the risk. I'll be in peace knowing you're okay, Y/N..." he said, cupping my cheeks softly.

I shake my head and clutch onto his hands. "No! You can't leave me!!" I said. "I'm sorry... I love you, Y/N... I'm sorry for dragging you into my messed up life" he said. He force his hand out of my grasp and turn around. I quickly look around and saw a dagger in El's jeans.

I grab it from her pocket. "What are you doing, Y/N!" She said, panicked. But I ignore her and keep my eyes focus on Draco. "Draco! If you take another step away... I'll slit my arm!" I yelled. He froze and turn to look at me.

"Don't joke around, Y/N!" He said. "I'm not joking" I said, I place the dagger close to my wrist. "This is not funny! Stop it!" He yelled, I can see the panic in his eyes.

"I'll do it if you leave me! I don't wanna live without you, Draco. I can't!! So if you leave, I die!" I yelled back, tears streams down my cheeks. He stares at me in horror.

I press the dagger closer to my skin, I give it a bit pressure... enough to draw out some blood. "Y/N! Don't be crazy! You can't do this to me!" he said. "Then stay, Draco!!" I yelled. My lips starts to tremble as I look at him with pleading eyes. "Please Draco...

Stay with me...

*to be continued*

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