Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

It's just as I remember. The classic look of a castle. Hogwarts... School of Witchcrafts and Wizardy. I can't believe it... I'm back!!!

-Reunion With Hogwarts Friends-


I grin as I turn to look at my sister. She smiles as she looks back at me. "We're back! We're really back!!" I said, happily. El laughs at my excitement. Then she starts pulling me. "Come on then... let's head there" she said. I nod my head in agreement, then we head towards the building.

After a while of walking, we finally reach. No one is around, as it is night too. I'm guessing its curfew time.

"What should we do now?" I said. "We should just head to Gryffindor's house..." she said. "Shouldn't we meet Professor Dumbledore first?" I said. "Hm... I guess you're right. But it's night time... and judging by the position of the moon... it's probably around 10 P.M... so he's probably already asleep... along with everyone else..." she said. I hummed, knowing what she said is true.

"Gryffindor house it is then..." I said. She nods her head. We turn our body and start walking towards the Gryffindor house. As always, we always hold each other's hand.

As we walk there, I can see someone walking around. "Quick! Hide!" I said. Then we run and turns around the wall. We're in Hogwarts so we have to follow the regulation. Gosh... I sure hope next time I can open the portal straight into our room.

"Okay... coast is clear. Let's get going now..." I said. She just nods her head. We turn around only to yelp in surprise when someone is standing in front of us. My eyes widened as I stare at the person with scared look.

I relax a little when I realize who it is. He smiles at me. "I see you two chose to come back..." he said. I smile and bow at him. Standing in front of us right now is Professor Dumbledore.

"Of course, Professor... we made a promise, didn't we? You and the others have given us shelter... in exchange for our service to guard Hogwarts. So I intend to keep that promise..." I said. "Well then... welcome back..." he said, patting my head softly. I smile at him and bow once again. We said goodnight to each other. Then we make our way towards the Gryffindor house.


After a while of walking, the two of us finally reach the entrance of the Gryffindor house. I place my hands on my knees as I breathe heavily.

"Sheesh... I forgot how big this place is..." I said. I hear giggling. I look up to see The Fat Lady. I blush in embarrassment, earning a laugh from El. I clear my throat and stand up straighter. "Hello, Miss..." I said, smiling softly.

"Hello to you too, my dear... password?" She said. "Is it still the same?" I said. "Yeah..." she said. "Fortuna Major..." I said. "Welcome back to Hogwarts!!" she said, and moves the portrait to let us in. I thank her and we enter the Gryffindor house.

I can hear talking as we walk further in. I recognize their voice as Harry, Ron and Hermione. I place my finger on my lips, signaling my sister to be quiet. She nods her head. We start to walk as quietly as we can. We stay silent as we listen to their conversation.

"It's so good to be back here... but I don't know. It's just not the same without Y/N and Eleven..." Harry said. "Yeah... I wonder if they'll ever come back..." I hear Hermione said. Ron just nods his head. I smirk and turn to my sister.

"On 3..." I mouth at her. She grins, knowing what I'm about to do and nods her head. We start to count down. By the count of 3 we jump around the corner.

"Boo!!!" We yelled, loudly. But not too loud because the others might be sleeping. Waking them up is the last thing I want. So we try to be loud enough just to startle this 3 people... and we succeed.

Harry and Ron screech in shock, while hugging each other. While Hermione turns pale like she's seen her worse fear in form. I stare at them, blinking for a bit and drop down on the floor while laughing out loud.

"You should look at your face! Ron and Harry was like..." I said, mimicking the two boys then laugh. I take a deep breath. "Then Hermione was like..." I said again, this time mimicking Hermione's reaction. Then I drop back on the floor, rolling around while laughing.

They blink their eyes, still trying to proses what's going on. I take a deep breath, trying to stop myself from laughing.

Then I stand up and cross my arms across my chest. I stare at them with a raise eyebrow. "What? Why do you look like you've just met us? Are we a stranger now? Of course not... since that's not what you guys said a while ago... you were like... 'oh! I wish Y/N and Eleven is here' 'oh! Are they ever going to come back' 'oh! It's not fun without them.' But now that we're here... you guys act like you don't know me. I'm wounded guys... I'm wounded..." I said, placing my hand on my chest with a fake hurt expression.

That seems to snap them out of their thought. They grin and runs towards me at full speed. I yelp and try to run, but they already pull me into a tight group hug... literally squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"My... lungs... too... tight. El... heeelp meh!" I said, gasping for air. I take a deep breath in when they instantly let me go. I drop on the floor, still gasping for air.

"Oops... I'm sorry..." Hermione said. "Are you okay?" Harry said, kneeling down in front of me. Ron just looks at me with a worried expression. I just nod my head, while sticking my thumbs up.

I just giggle softly after my breathing finally evened out. "I'll just take that as you're okay... since you can laugh..." Hermione said. "I am okay..." I said, with a soft smile as I look at her. She smiles back at me and pulls me into a hug, a much softer hug this time.

"It's so good to see you again, N/N..." she said. "It's good to see you too, Mione..." I said, smiling as I hug her back. Harry and Ron lets out a laugh as they hug me. I gesture El to come and pulls her in as well. The 5 of us just stay in the group hug for a bit, then we pull away.

"Ow!!" I yelped, because Hermione just smacked my shoulder. "Do you HAVE to scare us like that??" She said. "What? Can't I prank you guys?" I said. "You're starting to act like my brothers..." Ron said. "They're twins too... what do you expect?" I said, shrugging. I hear them scoffing and giggle.

Oh it's so good to be back...

*to be continued*

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