Chapter 41

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Previously on Chapter 40

"You just love to make me feel worried..." I said in a low tone. I watch as her chest rise and fall with every breath she take. I let out a sigh and place my head on the bed. I'll probably get a neck pain from sleeping in this position, but I don't care. I wanna be here when she wakes up. I just close my eyes and let myself fall into deep slumber, with my hand still attached with Y/N's warm ones.

-Fading Memories-


I'm just sitting by the bench, watching as the clouds in the sky drifted by. Ever since I woke up that day in the Hospital Wings, my mind have been a complete mess.

I let my mind drift off to thought of the moment I woke up. The moment my eyes met with Draco's grayish eyes. I was confused who he was at first. It took a while for everything to resurface in my mind.


I woke up and realize I'm laying on the Hospital Wings. I take a look around. Then my eyes landed on a boy with platinum blond hair. He instantly look relieved when he notice that I'm awake.

"You're awake... finally..." he said, smiling at me. I look down at his hand, to see it holding mine. I sit up and look around once again, then turn my head towards him.

"What... who are you?" I asked. His eyes widened at what I said. "Y/N... don't prank me. It's me... Draco! Your boyfriend" He said. "Boyfriend? I don't recall having a boyfriend" I said. He frowns once he hear what I said.

He stands up and take a seat at the edge of the bed. "Look at me... this is me, Y/N... it's Draco. Draco Malfoy? You can't forget about me... please. I will be so lost without you. You're my way of life, Y/N. You can't do this to me" he said, in a pleading tone. The way he said that, make something clicked in my head. I wince as my head ache a little.

The boy looked panic. "Are you okay, Y/N?? I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have force you to remember..." he said. I just shake my head slowly, while giving my head a gentle massage.

I turn to look at him. I finally recognize him. I don't even know why a memory of him in my head even fade. What happening to me. Ever since the day I fought the Mind Flayer... things have been rough for me. The fading of my abilities... the resurfacing along with the fact that I collapse after using them.

"Sorry, Draco... I don't know why I can't remember you..." I said. He looks relieved when I said his name. "At least you do now..." he said. He scoots closer to me and pulls me into a hug.

End of Flashback

I remember after that Madam Pomfrey told me that I shouldn't force myself to use my abilities... or more of my memory will fade. I was so deep in thought, that I don't even realize someone is sitting next to me.

"Hey..." the person said. I jump at the sudden voice and turn my head to the person. "Oh... Draco..." I said, sighing softly. Draco looks at with worry in his eyes.

"Are you okay? You seem out of it... you don't even realize I'm here..." he said. I let out a sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "Yeah... I'm alright... I'm just thinking of what Madam Pomfrey told me..." I said.

"About what?" He said. That's when I realize I still haven't told Draco what she told me. I let out a soft sigh and remove my head from his shoulder. I keep my eyes downcast.

"She told me. that the longer I use my abilities... more of my memories will fade. Then the longer I use them... the longer it'll take for them to come back. Which means, if I use it far too long. They might fade permanently and I won't remember a thing" I said. I look down as tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

"I'm scared, Draco... I don't wanna forget about any of you... about my sister. I miss her so much. I really wanna crossover to Hawkins and see her again. But if I force myself to open the portal. I might collapse and wake up without a memory or two... if not all of them. I don't want that to happen. Even the thought of it alone terrifies me..." I said. My hand went up to my mouth as I start to sob quietly.

I feel myself getting pull into a hug. I just bury my face into the crook of his neck. I start to cry harder as he continue to caress my hair softly. He didn't say anything, but continue his attempt to calm me down.

After a while, I finally calmed down. I start to feel tired. So I just close my eyes, slowly letting myself drift off to sleep in Draco's arms.

Draco P.O.V

I never realize how serious this was. Ever since Y/N's sacrifice that day, her condition is on jeopardy. She also haven't been herself lately. I can tell how much she misses her sister and how much she wishes to see her. But I don't know how to open the Portal. That is something only she can.

I wanna help her, but I don't know how... and it's making me feel useless and helpless. I can't do a thing to help the girl I love with all of my heart.

I can hear footsteps coming closer. I turn my head to see the trio. They walks towards and look at Y/N. I can see the worry in their eyes.

"Has she been crying?" Granger said. Yes... I don't insult her with that word anymore, mainly because she's Y/N's best friend and Y/N wouldn't appreciate it if I insult her friend.

"Yeah, she was crying..." I said, nodding my head. She looks worried. "Why? What happened?" Harry asked, looking equally worried. "Things have been rough on her... ever since..." I trailed off. They nod their head, understanding what I was implying.

"She did use a lot of her abilities back then..." Ron said. "Something in her must've been affected by the blow... and her abilities also fade and just came back only recently..." Hermione said. I just nod my head, agreeing with the brunette.

"She misses her sister... she wants nothing but to see her again. So she force herself to open the Portal, but it only leads into her collapsing and got sent into the hospital wings... and the worse part is..." I paused for a few seconds. They just stay silent as they wait for me to continue talking.

I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at Y/N, who's still asleep with her head on my shoulder. I can still see a few tears streaming down her cheeks. I lift my hand and gently caress her cheek, wiping the tears softly.

Then I turn to look at the others. "Madam Pomfrey told her that if she uses too much of her abilities, the risk will be fatal..." I gulp nervously as I prepare to tell them what Y/N just told me.

"She might lose her memories. The longer she use her abilities... the longer it is for them to come back. If she push herself to use it too long, those memories might disappear permanently... and she might not know any of us at all..." I said, pulling Y/N closer to my side. She move a little and I caress her hair softly to make sure she didn't wake up.

"She didn't even recognize me the first few minutes she woke up the other day... and I can see how much that scares her..." I said. I can hear gasps of shocks coming from them.

I bit my lips as I try to fight the tears as I remember what happened a few days ago. The look of confuse in her eyes as she looks at me... the look someone will give to a complete stranger. I remember the pain and fear I felt when that happened. It was easily the scariest moment I've ever been through. I don't what would I do if Y/N didn't recognize me.

*to be continued*

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