Favour For A Friend

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The next few days after Mikayla's announcement the whole of the magical world was a whirlwind, going crazy about confirmation that Mikayla was going to fight, but also about the meaning behind her song. And of course the Daily Prophet had to get involved, hoping to distract people from the fact they haven't made any progress in the Gringotts murders.

Is Mikayla Black leading the resistance group Order of the Phoenix? Referencing the society in new song Never Surrender, claiming that they are a phoenix rising from the ashes to fight. Do the ashes symbolise the recent death of the societies previous leader Albus Dumbledore? Does the line 'Won't stay in the shadows now' mean the society and it's members will be more vocal in public about their association with the anti-Dark Wizard group. Read more on page six!

Mikayla was just happy that she hadn't made the front page since Sunday, it's reached a new record since she graduated and she's at the point that one more headline and she will unsubscribe. She didn't read more on page six, in fact she read the whole paper as she saw that the headline was about the Minister himself, Scrimgeour claiming that the Ministry remains strong in the dark times they are facing. The only page she didn't read was page six, just out of spite of not letting the Prophet's propaganda plant doubts about her character in her own head. That and she is exhausted from last night's event and couldn't be bothered to read lies about herself.

Late last night was her first interference with Death Eater plans, they had organised an brutal attack on a handful Muggle-born and Muggle sympathetic Pure-blood families in the small town of Rye in East Sussex. The Robinsons, Stewarts, Keens, Nolans and Lesters were the Death Eaters' targets. The Robinsons' family were attacked because of their ties to aiding the Ministry in warding Muggle-born homes where underage wizards resided. The Lesters were targeted after Robert Lester published a book in what Wizards can do to help their Muggle neighbours in the current climate. As for the Stewarts, Nolans and Keens, they were potential victims for merely being born outside of pure magical families.

Mikayla wasn't surprised of the fact there was no mention of the Order foiling Death Eaters attack. That they had saved the lives of twenty-three people, fourteen of which were underage. No, instead the Prophet was trying to put clues together of the meaning behind a song that Mikayla already explained the meaning of. "Stop thinking, love." Fred mumbles into her ear, removing the rolled up paper from her hands and dropping it to the floor beside their bed. They had been awoken by a panicked Patronus sent by Hermione about an hour ago. Fred has swiftly fallen back to sleep after the Patronus exchanges, but Mikayla's mind just wouldn't turn off.

Mikayla sighed as she settled back down in bed, resting her head on Fred's chest and just listening to his soothing heartbeat. "Do you want to talk about it?" Fred asks as his arms snake around her waist and he plants a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm scared for them. I hate that I can't go with them, we've always faced everything together and now it feels like I'm being left behind." Mikayla admits in a whisper, closing her eyes to hold back the tears that were beginning to form. Fred thumb began drawing soothing circles along her side as he draws in a deep breath, collecting his thoughts.

"They're not leaving you behind, love. And you will be helping them along the way, while also dealing with the shit storm of a mission that Dumbledore has assigned you. Even now, Hermione asked for your help. She needs you. Anyone could alter her parents' memories, but she only trusts you enough to do it. She knows that you will always be there to help her, to do something that she can't bring herself to do. And you know, if the roles were reversed that she would sacrifice anything to help you. And that just needs to be enough for now, and when this is all over, and you'll be properly reunited, and all the distance and pain will be worth it because we will have won the war. It's okay to be scared, love. We're all scared, I'm bloody terrified for you, but don't let it take over your brilliant mind..."

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