Death Notices

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When Mikayla told Ginny why she invited her to the Manor, the young red head beamed with delight, Mikayla was giving her a chance to send Harry a message that she still loves him and that she will wait for him to come home. Mikayla knew that Harry feared holding back Ginny just as much as he was afraid he'd lose her forever, that she might find love during the war. What Harry hadn't bet on was that he was already the keeper of her heart, that she has been falling more and more in love with him as every minutes passes.

Mikayla helped with creating the melody and recording the song, but Ginny exclusively wrote the lyrics to be completely authentic with what she says to Harry. Mikayla felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders as she created music once more, and while inspiration was flowing through her, she wrote a handful of songs for herself. When Ginny left, Mikayla even went as far as recording her songs, it was a welcomed distraction from the nervousness she felt about returning to the radio waves. Fred was quietly leaning against the doorframe with a gentle smile on his face, as he watched Mikayla get lost in her variety of instruments as she frantically scribbled down lyrics to the melodies she was making.

"You should release that song tonight." Mikayla jumped at her boyfriend's words as she concluded the recording of one of her new songs called 'Meet Me On The Battlefield'. "You think so? I was leaning more towards airing 'Rescue'." Fred pushes off the doorframe, striding towards Mikayla, carefully navigating the cords that ran across the floor, to sit down on the floor next to Mikayla. He picked up the sheet music for the song Mikayla was talking about, he knew why she was drawn towards this song, it was a beautifully hopeful and reassuring song. "I think you should release both, play Ginny's between them, and finish the show with 'Rescue'."

Mikayla bounced around the idea in her own mind, she agreed with Fred's suggestion, but she wanted to take it a step further. Mikayla recorded the two songs onto a CD, she scribbled 'Aisling Dove: Exclusive Tracks from unreleased EP- Fighter ~K.J.L' in black marker on the CD case. "What are you doing?" Fred questioned curiously, as Mikayla magic dried the marker. "I'm going to get Kreacher to leave this on Louis Hawthorns desk, so those who don't know about Potter Watch can get a little hope." Mikayla explained that K.J.L is a music producer from America, that sometimes sends Louis music from his signed artists so it gets more radio plays and thus he makes more money.

Harry, Ron and Hermione decided that since Mikayla wouldn't be appearing on the radio until after the sunset, that the three of them would sit outside so that they could listen to the broadcast together. The three of them sat on thick towels to prevent the soaked ground from dampening their trousers, and they were eat wrapped up in big fluffy blankets that protected them from the winter chill. They had to wait for the password to be spoken during a planted commercial on the WWN station, but until then they had to listen to the dull discussion Maggie Felton was having with Gawain Robards.

They were discussing Mikayla's impromptu visit to Gringotts days before, the destruction 'Mikayla caused' and how Gawain a team of his 'strongest' Aurors were currently working on locating Mikayla and sending her to Azkaban. It was obvious that Gawain was just reading from a script that he was given to paint Mikayla as the bad guy, while Maggie seemed to be defending Mikayla. She had apparently been at the bank when Mikayla showed up and witnessed the whole scene, and poked holes in Gawain's rehearsed lies. "I was her studio assistant when she worked here, and I can safely say that Mikayla Black is not the problem, or the villain you seem to want to paint her as. Mikayla is fighting against the darkness that wants to destroy the magical world as we know it, and I for one can't wait to see her victorious."

The radio show abruptly cut off, at first it seemed the network had cut off the show to silence Maggie from standing up for Mikayla's values, but they knew what was happening as soon as the commercial played. It was a fake commercial advertising a new apothecary opening up in Godric's Hollow, a hint that the show was about to start. Ron tapped the wireless radio with his wand, whispering the password, which was followed by a crackling of static before a cheery voice broke the quiet of the night, Lee Jordan.

"Hello listeners, welcome back to Potterwatch. I'm River, your favourite host, and I just wanted to start off with an apology for our temporary absence from the airwaves, which is due to a number of house calls in the area in which we are broadcasting from today, we hope to find somewhere new soon before they track us down." Lee paused for a second, "and to make it up to you, Im pleased to tell you that three of our regular contributors have joined me here this evening. Evening, boys!" Fred, George and Remus' voices crackle through their mics as they formally greeted Lee for the listeners sake. "But I'd also like to introduce someone new to this show, but I'm sure you've heard her voice on the radio waves before, Mikayla Black is in the studio with us today."

Harry, Ron and Hermione shared an excited look, knowing that just how much Mikayla used to love her radio show, "thanks for inviting me, River." Lee accepted Mikayla's gratitude and claimed that they were all very excited to finally meet her and surprised she accepted the invitation. "Yeah, it's a bit risk for me to trust strangers at the moment, but I tune into your show every airing and I knew that you were genuinely good people." Mikayla and Lee had to sell that they didn't know each other or Lee using a code name would be completely pointless, and he would be hunted down for giving her any sort of platform.

"Right, well before we hear anymore from Romulus, Rascal, Rapier or Mikayla, let's take a moment to report those deaths that the Wizarding Wireless Network News and Daily Prophet don't think are important enough to mention. Tonight we remember, Bathilda Beatrice Bagshot, world renowned magical historian and author was discovered dead in her home on the 24th of December, five days after her murder by Chief Death Eater." Lee's announcement was followed by silence, where Ron explained how Voldemort's name was now taboo, and if they spoke it their wards would fall and he would be able to track them down.

"We remember Julie Louise Parkes, a fifteen year old witch that was killed on the 22nd of December while valiantly protecting her Muggle Mother from Dark wizards. During the battle her Muggle neighbours, Lyra Jane Roberts and Willow Grace Edwards, were killed when Death Eaters casted an explosion charm on their house." This time when Lee paused for a moment for those to mourn innocent lives being lost, Harry told Ron that they had seen her grave while in Godric's Hollow graveyard. Hermione shared that she felt a strange sense of heartache for the stranger, and how the quote on her headstone had resonated with her.

"May my death chase away the darkness fear brings and create hope for a bright, equal future." Ron quoted, informing the pair that it was Mikayla who wrote the quote after Julie's mum begged her to. Mikayla had visited Julie through Mediumship and asked her what she wanted her death to mean for those she left behind. "We remember Róisín Ada Balor, Gwendoline Marina Evermore and David John Raith, the three founders of The Society for the Tolerance of Vampires, that were killed in their Shoreditch office on December 26th. During the fight, a twenty-three year-old Muggle man, Keith Shawn Erickson, was paralysed from the waist down after being hit with a rogue leg-locker curse casted by Cassetta O'Brien."

A frown forms on the trio's faces, they had listened to Mikayla rave about Balor, Evermore and Raith, for the months that she was volunteering at S.T.V. She loved how hands on they were with their organisation, they interviewed and trained all new employees/volunteers, despite being just shy of 250 years-old. They had all donated blood during Mikayla's campaign and got to meet the three founding vampires, even getting a tour of their Shoreditch office with some funny anecdotes from throughout their life.

"And we remember, Katherine Clearwater, a Muggle who was killed while trying to protect her daughter, as well as the five Muggle lives lost in Piercestown on the 29th of December, Carrie Emilia Moore, Michael Karl Burke, Sebastian Luke Kirwan, Sylvia Niamh Doran, and Keelan Jason Byrne. All of which were killed when Death Eaters attacked the Merry Merrows Restaurant which was housing an emergency Order of the Phoenix meeting, an event Mikayla will be discussing later on in the show. Let's take a minute of silence for not only those who we've lost the past two weeks, but for everyone we've lost this past year..."

In The Fight To Survive (Golden Trio Era) {4}Where stories live. Discover now