False Identities

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Fenrir dragged his long yellowed nails across Hermione's face, "mmh, I do enjoy the softness of your skin, delicious girl. You'll be a treat." Hermione was shaking, a panicked look on her face at Fenrir's words. Harry and Ron's stomachs turned in disgust as they took in the sight of the werewolf wrapped in Death Eater robes, filth clinging to him, as he snatched Hermione's beaded bag from her hands and threw it towards the Snatcher known as Scabior. "You two, go and search that tent while we see who's got here." Scabior ordered while moving to stand over Harry who had been thrown to the floor by one of the men sent to search the tent.

Scabior grabbed Harry by the chin, lighting the tip of his wand to get a better look at his swollen face. "What happened to you, ugly?" Harry didn't answer at first, he hadn't come up with an explanation for his appearance as the act of it had shocked him. Someone tugged on his hair roughly, "he asked what happened to ye ugly mug?" Greyback growled, "I've been stung." Harry's voice crackled with the force he had to prise his lips apart to speak in their swollen state. "What's ye name?" Greyback questioned after Scabior shrugged over Harry's excuse, "Dudley, Vernon Dudley." Scabior ordered a woman by the name of Vexida to check the missing Muggleborns list for Vernon Dudley.

While Vexida searched for Harry's fake name, Scabior moved over to Ron to question him about who he was. Ron claimed to be Barnaby 'Barny' Weasley, leading to him being berated for his family's 'Blood Traitor' ways and association with Unforgivable No.1, Mikayla Black. Hermione mistakenly identified herself as Penelope Clearwater, who the Snatchers knew were imprisoned in Malfoy Manor. With the knowledge that Hermione had misidentified herself, suspicion was raised on Ron and Harry's fake personas. "You all look to be about Hogwarts age, why aren't-" Ron interrupted Greyback, claiming that they had graduated just last year.

"And you decided to go camping after you finished? And you thought, just for a laugh, you'd use the Dark Lords name?" Scabior queried, Ron shutting down the assumption, explaining that saying his name was an accident. "Oh an accident was it?" Laughter flitted through the clearing from the rest of the Snatchers, jeering the answers being given. "You know who used to like using the Dark Lord's name, Weasley?" growled Greyback, sneering as he stood over Ron, "The Order of the Phoenix. That mean anything to any of ye?" Harry, Ron and Hermione denied any knowledge of the Order of the Phoenix outside of the warnings against the 'terrorist group' in the Daily Prophet.

"Yeah, well then you know that they don't show the Dark Lord proper respect, so the name's been Tabooed. A few Order members have been tracked that way in the past two weeks; Davies, Todorov, Bucar, Arbry, Lavigne, Mealy, Cole, Withey, and Hedgeflower. Do any of those names mean anything to you?" The trio all shook their heads no, the names meant something but they hadn't known any of those who died personally. They only knew of Chester Davies and Agatha Arbry, since they were the older siblings of Roger Davies and Valerie Arbry, who they have interacted with a few times. "Right well, we'll see, won't we?" The question was rhetorical and was followed by orders to bind the trio up and leave them with the other two prisoners.

A howl echoed through the forest as Harry, Ron and Hermione were bound to the back of the trees that the Snatchers other prisoners were. "What was that?" Vexida asked, turning towards a rigid Greyback, "a lone wolf's warning." The Werewolf spat out as he stiffly took in the surrounding area, while some of the other Snatchers laughed after Greyback suggested that they move on, his instincts screaming at him to escape. The laughter died out as soon as a shrill scream came from the camp, Snatchers abandoning their prisoners to deal with whatever attack they were under.

As soon as they were alone, Harry whispered to his friends, asking if either of them still had their wands. Much to his dismay, neither Ron nor Hermione had managed to keep a hold of their wand. However, they both mentioned that their wands had mysteriously been summoned right before the Snatchers could take them. "This is all my fault, I said his name like an idiot, I'm sorry-" Harry's apology was cut short by a familiar voice saying his name in a hushed whisper. "Dean? I- what are you doing here? I thought they would've brought you somewhere by now." Ron asked as more shouts, low loud growls and wails of pain came from the direction of their tent.

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