The Ripplestone Way

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CW: Discussion of Eating Disorders

The rest of Ginny and Mikayla's night was one of lightheartedness, they kept the conversation cheerful and allowed their silly sides to shine. It started with them quietly singing ABBA's 'The Winner Takes It All' along with Mikayla's CD in between bites of their s'mores and sips of Firewhisky. Neither of them put much effort into sounding good because it didn't matter if they sounded horrendous or beautiful, all that mattered was that they sang together. However, Mikayla did visibly cringe when she briefly sang off key which made Ginny spray a mouthful of Firewhisky at the fire at the face she pulled. The flames flared at the brief addition of alcohol, and the two girls fell into fits of laughter. The more intoxicated the girls got, the more carefree and ridiculous they became.

On their sixth and final s'more, Ginny made a point of holding it out to make a short and tipsy toast. "Here's to bonding over campfires." Mikayla shook her head at the fact that Ginny is such a lightweight, but decided to amuse her and clink their s'mores together, "and to singing with sisters." Ginny audibly awed at Mikayla's words, repeating them back at her before taking a bite of the masterful s'more she made. Mikayla closed her eyes as she bit into her last s'more of the night, focusing her every sense to the warmth and comfort it provided. Ginny quietly hummed to herself to sound her approval of the campfire treat, wanting to savour it. The taste of gooey s'mores mingled with the warmth of many more mugs of Firewhisky, creating a rousing blend as time slipped away from them while they enjoyed each other's company.

At some point in the night, when Ginny swapped in a new CD labelled 'Party songs', the girls got to their feet and started dancing like nobody was watching. Their laughter and shouting serenades fell upon the ears of the other occupants of the campgrounds nearby, and received a mixed response. Some people openly reprimanded them for their volume, screaming at them to move their party for two inside their rented caravan, while others jumped to their defence and told them to ignore the bitter jealousy of those scolding them. While Ginny and Mikayla appreciated those who encouraged them to be themselves, they retreated inside after putting out the fire because they wanted to respect the wishes of the unhappy campers' would.

It would've been completely hypocritical of them to continue to disturb everyone else's holidays while trying to enjoy their own. They sobered up a bit during the whole ordeal, and took a more mellow approach to enjoying themselves by laying down on their backs on the caravan floor. They flicked through Mikayla's CD case, doing a low-effort singalong and just catching up on all the good things that have happened since Christmas. Mikayla and Ginny, both felt like a great weight lifted off them the more happy moments they shared with each other. Ginny is comforted by the reminder that even though they aren't related by blood, their sisterhood is made of something much stronger, love, respect and a genuine delight for both their mutual and individual accomplishments and happiness. They are sisters of the soul, destined to share the rest of their lives supporting each other.

The next morning, Ginny and Mikayla were woken up by a wolf Patronus lighting up their caravan, drawing a hangover driven groan from each of them. The news the wolf was sent to share made them both completely forget about their self-inflicted suffering, ​as they were much too happy to let a headache and a turning stomach stop them from celebrating. "Good morning girls, Tonks and I are happy to announce that she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at 11:23 last night." There was pause, giving the girls enough time to squeal in excitement, before Tonks chimed in, "the birth went smoothly and I'm feeling absolutely amazing, but that's because I'm current high on every possible pain relief potion the healers would give me." A chuckle escaped the girls' lips at Tonks' confession but otherwise remained silently, not wanting to miss any details.

"Anyways, he was 8lbs 4oz, and we've decided on a name for our perfect baby boy..." Tonks paused, just long enough for both her and Remus to reveal the name, "Teddy Remus Lupin." Mikayla grabbed a hold of Ginny's hand, as the sheer force of her pride and happiness for Remus and Tonks had slightly overwhelmed her fragile state. "We can't wait for either of you to meet him, and don't worry about us coping, Andromeda and Ted are staying to help for the next two weeks, just until we settle into a routine." Tonks chipped in telling Mikayla that Remus would be popping into Shell Cottage while she's there on Thursday with a picture, and giving one to Bill to show the Weasleys, "we hope you're both enjoying your little holiday, and we'll see you both soon!" The wolf Patronus vanishes without another word, and the two girls beam brightly while trying to figure out what exactly to send back.

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