Thankfulness and Throwing Shapes

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The food that Peppy, Dobby and Kreacher made was a hit amongst all of the Wedding guests, the speeches made before the First Dance brought almost everyone present to tears. Watery chuckles at jokes and loud applause followed each speech, even as Kingsley and Penelope thanked everyone involved in their wedding as well as those in attendance. "And finally, we'd like to thank Mikayla and Fred not only for permitting us to use their home for our wedding venue, but also for designing how both locations would look and helping us in setting everything up." 

Penelope placed the hand that wasn't on her microphone onto her heart, gesturing towards the young couple in thanks. Mikayla smiled at her, moving away from Fred and rushing over to the piano that was tucked away in the corner of the ballroom, shielded from the guests. Kingsley had requested Mikayla to help him surprise Penelope during their First Dance, by the young blonde singing her favourite love song. Mikayla agreed to do so under the circumstances that she wouldn't be on display while she performed as she wanted the attention solely on the newlyweds. 

"We'd like to invite you all to gather round the dancefloor now for our First Dance." Mikayla took a deep breath while settling on the bench of the piano, ensuring the microphone was correctly lined up, giving time for everyone to surround the dancefloor. With an internal countdown from three once she was ready, Mikayla began playing the opening to 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elton John.

Applause erupted throughout the ballroom for the happy couple as the song came to an end, giving Mikayla the chance to join the crowd with no one noticing her absence other than Fred, who grinned at her as she appeared by his side. "You did beautifully, love." Fred whispered before capturing Mikayla's lips with a gentle kiss, both of them smiling widely into it. They broke apart when 'Don't Stop Me Now' from Queen began blaring through the speakers, and the crowd of guests cheered before they began making their way onto the dancefloor. "Dance the night away with me, Freddie?" Mikayla asked playfully, unable to wipe the smile off her face, "I thought you'd never ask."

Fred grabbed a hold of Mikayla's hand, leading her over towards George, Angelina, Alicia, Lee, Brian and Audrey, all of which took notice that they were on their way over. Mikayla threw her head back laughing as her friends held their hands out towards them, as if trying to reel her and Fred to join them. All of them enthusiastically singing out of tune with the record, "don't stop me now... don't stop me cause I'm having a good time," Mikayla and Fred joined them just in time to scream, "HAVING A GOOD TIME" before they all started jumping around, throwing shapes that couldn't be considered as dancing in any sense, it was more like flailing as they all sang long. "I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity. I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva, I'm gonna go, go, go, there's no stopping me!"

After an hour of dancing with everything they had, the group all agreed to skip the slow song that was currently playing in favour of catching their breaths and grabbing a drink. "Ugh, I can't remember the last time I had this much fun." Mikayla announced as she dropped down on her seat with an exhausted huff as the boys headed to the bar. "I know right, it's been far too long, we need to do this more often." Angelina proclaimed as she took the seat next to Mikayla, "agreed, after the war we all need to go out clubbing or something. You're included in that Audrey, you have amazing energy." Alicia gestured to the slightly older girl whilst breathing a little heavier than usual, Mikayla and Angelina vocalised their agreement that Audrey had to go with them.

"I'd love to, I don't think I've ever had this much fun, even before the war started." Audrey had a massive smile on her face, causing them all to grin, "uh-oh, I know that grin, mischief is brewing." Fred voiced as the boys arrived at the table, taking their seats and passing the girls their drinks. "No mischief, sweetheart, just making future plans to dance the night away with each other again." Mikayla laughed a little, placing a swift kiss of thanks on Fred's cheek before she took a sip of her glass of Elderflower wine. Mikayla and Fred have agreed not to drink too much as they still had some plans for when everyone left, that required them still have their wits about them.

"That's sounds like fun, we could go to that new Karaoke bar that just opened in Soho, it has a nightclub attached to it upstairs." Lee informed them as he dropped a kiss on Alicia's head, handing her one of the two Firewhiskys in his hands. "Ooh, I do love Karaoke, we haven't done it in years." At George's words, Mikayla is reminded of the last time they did Karaoke, which was the August before her fifth year during Avery's fifteenth birthday party. The usual sadness and guilt she felt whenever she thought about her sister, didn't surface at the moment, perhaps chased away by the idea that Avery would be able to go to the Karaoke club with them now that they've found a way to break the Blood Vow.

"We'll have to wait until the war is over and society has settled before we can relax enough to enjoy it properly." The group all nodded, agreeing with Brian, while they all polished off their drinks, excited to get back out on the dance floor. The girls let out a shriek of joy as the starting notes of 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' by Cyndi Lauper began playing through the speakers. The four of them jumped to their feet, grabbing each other's hands while rushing to the dance floor. They left the boys in their wake, all of which decided to sit this song out to watch as the girls danced. Fleur, Tonks, and Molly spotted the girls, weaving through the crowd mimicking the younger girls' energy while they all started singing along with Cyndi.

"I come home, in the mornin' light. My mother says, "When you gonna live your life right?" Oh momma dear, we're not the fortunate ones. And girls, they wanna have fun, oh girls just wanna have fun..." Mikayla grabbed a hold of Molly's hand, giving her a twirl while the instrumental played, the pair of them laughing brightly. The girls had caught the bride's attention, who squealed and ended up in the middle of their dance circle as the next verse began, "The phone rings, in the middle of the night. My father yells, "What you gonna do with your life?" Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one. But girls, they wanna have fun. Oh girls just wanna have..."

From that moment on, the night seemed to fall away from them as none of the girls left the dance floor again. The men joined their significant others once Cyndi Lauper had finished and Bon Jovi's 'Living On A Prayer' started to play. The found family got lost in the laughter of their ridiculous dance moves and tone-deaf belting. Mikayla made a point of dancing with them separately for one song each, somewhat serenading whoever she was dancing with. Confessions of love for one another were proclaimed loudly, affectionate hugs between friends and family were shared, and wishes for the night to never end were outwardly made.

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