Sanguis Purificator

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CW: Self-induced Minor Blood Drawing Injury, Vomiting & Death

Mikayla left Bill and Fleur's at 11:45 after they finished two cups of tea and a handful of biscuits each, during which she had seen a vision of the prisoners' reality. Penelope had used the Deluminator while her and Luna worked on freeing Ron, Harry, Dean and Griphook in the cellar of Malfoy Manor. She gave them a rundown of the coming events for the next couple of weeks, since they would be taking care of Malfoy Manor's prisoners during that time. It was very important that all of them gradually regain their strength and take time to gather their bearings before facing reality once more. Mikayla promised to visit every couple days to check in on how everyone was managing the arrangement, it was important that they all were comfortable and relaxed living in close quarters.

Bill and Fleur agreed that only themselves, Remus and Mikayla were to interact with the short-term occupants of Shell Cottage, to prevent anyone interfering with any future plans. With her mind eased by their talk, Mikayla used her Illimité Portkey to return to her bedroom in Grimmauld Place. A sigh escaping her lips, knowing that she wasn't likely to get much sleep until Fleur sends a Patronus that her friends and company had arrived safely at Shell Cottage. Mikayla didn't want to waste the next couple hours doing nothing but religiously checking in on the prisoners of Malfoy Manor. She decided to keep herself busy by brewing the Sanguis Purificator Potion, also known as the Blood Purifier Potion, which will free Avery from the Blood Vow made by her biological parents.

The potion was extremely complicated and Mikayla was prepared for it to take a couple of hours to brew correctly, as she only had one chance to get it right. Mikayla spent ten minutes clearing her desk first, while simultaneously gathering all the equipment and ingredients that was needed for the potion from the many hidden compartments in her room. Just as she finished, a boar Patronus came bounding in from her bedroom window from Aberforth, alerting her that Harry has asked for help with the mirror. She felt herself relax even more knowing that all was going to plan, tying her hair back while shaking the last of her nerves from her hands staring down at the Sanguis Purificator Potion Recipe.

She poured half a litre of Honeywater into her silver cauldron, turning the portable flame hob under the cauldron to the highest setting to bring it to a boil. At first sight of boil bubbles, Mikayla turned down the hob so the unsettled Honeywater could simmer before moving onto the next step. She put two tablespoons of pre-ground Valerian root and seven unground Queen of the Night tulip roots into a mortar bowl, grinding the two ingredients together until they were both in powder form. She used a coffee grind sieve to ensure that the combined powder was perfect before adding it to the Honeywater and stirring the mixture three times anti-clockwise. The next step was adding the drops of blood, Mikayla's least favourite part as she would have to draw at least fifteen drops of blood as was responsible for contributing 62.5% of the blood needed.

She grabbed a vial, closing her eyes to take a deep steadying breath, knowing fully well that she was building it up much worse in her own head the longer she waited. In that brief lapse of time, Mikayla's ears rung with Hermione's sobs, hearing her tell Bellatrix that they have never been inside of her vault, adding a lie on the end of the pleading, claiming the sword as a fake. Anger flared deep within Mikayla at the auditory Aevus confirmation that one of her best friends was being tortured and she couldn't do anything about it. The burning desire to be of use to someone was what pushed Mikayla on with the next step for brewing the Sanguis Purificator Potion, shutting away the fear so it wouldn't get in her way any longer. She sliced a gash into the palm of her hand, curling her hand into a fist and squeezing to let the blood flow into the wide rimmed vial she was clutching in the other hand.

Mikayla waited until the vial was almost full before healing her wound and stoppering the vial, summoning a bottle of pumpkin juice as she felt a little dizzy from the practice. The young blonde took a seat, sipping away on the pumpkin juice while grabbing three disposable plastic droppers so that she can count out the drops of each 'contributor' as she adds them to the potion. After adding four drops of Fergal's blood, Mikayla stirs the mixture four times counter-clockwise, before adding five drops of Bellatrix's blood and stirring it five times clockwise. The next instruction is to add fifteen drops of untainted relative's blood with a deep emotional connection with the victim of the Blood Vow, that was Mikayla, Avery's second cousin turned sister that over the last few years forged a strong relationship with one another.

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