A Splash Of Paint

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CW: Couply Antics

Fred was thrilled when Mikayla presented her Valentine's activity as painting as he had put it as his answer on the thirty second question of their couple questionnaire, where it asked for a hobby he'd like them to try together. He wanted to find something artistic for them to do that they both loved, Mikayla has her music and he has his inventions, but those creative expressions rarely crossed paths. Painting, Fred had hoped, would be something they would find joy doing together while also motivating them to explore the vast plains of their imaginative nature, a less lonely escape from reality. Mikayla could help but get wrapped up in Fred's infectious excitement to paint together, allowing him to somewhat take the lead of the activity by electing a theme; Love in the Sunrise.

Mikayla turned on the Muggle radio onto a music station that was playing strictly love songs for today's occasion, as the couple mostly worked in comfortable silence. They would seek advice from each other whenever they were unsure how to achieve the design they wanted, working together to discover the solutions of any problems or mistakes made. Mikayla's perfectionist side came out when they were both sketching out silhouettes for their paintings, Fred was able to steer Mikayla away from fixing tiny mistakes. He would point out that they aren't meant to be trying to make professionally perfect paintings, they're meant to be creating something that was uniquely theirs.

As Mikayla was trying to squeeze more magenta pink paint onto her palette, the paint spluttered and sprayed across Fred's arm. Mikayla tries to wipe away the paint with a tissue while apologising for getting paint on him in the first place. Fred chuckles at her actions, sneakily swiping his finger through the blue paint on his palette before smearing it across Mikayla's cheek. A gasp escaped her lips from the surprise of the cold sensation and the shock that Fred had just purposefully covered her cheek in paint. They both froze, Fred was waiting for Mikayla to make the next move, curious of how she'll react to him intentionally smudging paint on her.

Mikayla made an act of reaching for more tissue, before dunking her hand in the yellow paint tub and wiping it down Fred's neck onto his shirt. With that singular action, chaos ensued as the couple began playfully painting each other with whatever they could get their hands on. Their objective was to cover their opponents in as much colourful paints as possible before someone put an end to their benign battle. Laughter echoed through the manor the more covered and competitive the couple became, unable to restrain the exuberance of their momentary immaturity.

Mikayla breathlessly called the paint war to an end, as her whole body ached from hysterical laughter. Joyful tears welled in her eyes, falling as she tried to catch her breath and blink them away. Both of their faces were red with warmth, in utter disbelief of how absolutely ridiculous they looked. The young couple were completely covered from head to toe in multicoloured paint, only their eyes and mouths seemed to be left untouched by paint. Fred grabbed a hold of Mikayla's face, taking in the bizarre mural they created on it, before capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. Mikayla found her hands getting lost in Fred's hair as she pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, swiping her tongue across his lips.

Without hesitation, Fred's lips parted and his tongue slipped into Mikayla's open mouth. Whenever their tongues crossed paths, the taste of hot chocolate would caress their taste buds as their heads became flooded with arousing thoughts. Their bodies were pressed so tightly together that they could feel each other's heartbeat in between the thunderous thuds of their own. A throat is cleared from behind them, making the couple jump apart while simultaneously raising their wands towards the intruder. Their surprised visitor happened to be none other than Charlie Weasley, who's face wore a look of pure disgust of what he had just witnessed.

"Don't look at us like that, you're the one who just showed up without warning on Valentine's Day. You're lucky all you walked in on was a kiss." Fred told his brother, not even trying to hide his disappointment and displeasure of being interrupted. "Well you knew I would be staying here for Kingsley's wedding, so why wouldn't I show up early to get settled before." Mikayla couldn't deny that what Charlie said made complete sense, it was an oversight on their part, but that doesn't mean she isn't frustrated. Why couldn't he have shown up in half an hour, when the deed was done and the showers had begun. "You still could've given us a heads-up, Char." Mikayla pointed out before closing the distance and giving Charlie a hug hello, to make him feel more welcome.

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