Sundry Valley Skirmish

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Multiple dark figures began appearing below the single street light, cackling and calling out for Cairo, while smoke quickly began to completely surround them. Mikayla first casted a strong water making spell, flooding the square before adding a freezing charm to turn the water to ice, while the rest of the Order casted every curse they could think of towards the statue. The Death Eaters started to yell out orders to one another, slipping on the ice Mikayla made, throwing random Killing Curses through the fog and killing their fellow fighters.

Mikayla mumbles a quick apology to the Bullock family for what she was about to do, before she aimed her strongest explosion charm at the Shan Bullock statue. The blast sent rubble flying through the whole square, cries of pain following soon after. Mikayla winced at the sounds, but focused on throwing an array of random curses, jinxes and hexes into the square that would render the Death Eaters unable to fight. She was able to deflect any curses that managed to slip through the fog and come her way.

It wasn't until a fire erupted in the centre of the square that the fighting came to a brief intermission. The fire was lighting up the square, making Mikayla realise that the Death Eaters were using it to melt her ice and better their visibility of the Order. She quickly extinguished the fire, and casted a second non-melting freezing charm in the direction of the now billowing smoke. Mikayla quickly threw her batch of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder into the air, turning the fog black as she prepared for the next step of the plan.

Mikayla quietly opened the kitchen window, hoping out of it into the square with her face buried into her elbow to protect her lungs from the smoke. She gripped the outer windowsill to keep herself upright, before wordless transfiguring her boots into ice skates. She could hear some familiar Death Eaters shout at everyone to stop firing curses randomly when they couldn't see where they were going. Mikayla attached a silencing charm to her skates so the Death Eaters wouldn't hear the ice scraping under her feet when she moved to her position.

She let go of the windowsill, and began slowly skating through the darkness, her left hand running along the front of the houses as she passed by them, to help her navigate her surroundings. Mikayla had to make her way to the south side alleyway that led straight to the lake. Consistently dodging jets of jinxes that some of the Death Eaters have resorted to throwing through the darkness, in the hopes of hurting someone in the Order. When Mikayla reached her spot, she sent a small beam of light down the narrow passageway. She wasn't going to risk someone being behind her when Kingsley cleared the smoke from the square.

Mikayla thought George's idea of fighting on ice was a bit obscure when he first suggested it, but she had to admit it was pretty genius. Altering the landscape to something so bizarrely rare in Ireland and the UK gave the Order a great advantage. Whenever they had free time for the past two weeks, each and everyone of them has mastered ice-skating. They can't do any cool tricks or spins or anything but they can stay upright and move fluidly across the ice as if they were raised on it, that would be much better than most of the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters have been monitoring the Order's recycled strategies for months, but tonight will throw them completely off balance, both figuratively and literally. Séan magically repaired all of the town's streetlights as Kingsley vacuumed away the black fog, revealing nine Order members and thirteen residents of Sundry Valley surrounding the newly destroyed statue of Shan F. Bullock. Over half of the Death Eaters laid motionlessly across the frozen ground, some killed by their own and others knocked out by the Order.

Most of the thirty something left standing were gripping onto each other or the statue's pedestal, trying to keep upright on the slippery ice. Mikayla rolled back her shoulders as she took in the sickening sight of twenty unfamiliar, unmoving bodies at the Death Eaters' feet, but she didn't have time to feel guilty about their fate as a killing curse was sent barrelling towards her. Mikayla skated a single step backwards while looking at her assailant in the eyes, unsurprised to see that Fergal was staring back at her.

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