Fading Away

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"Mikayla's relationship with her mind is rocky at the best of times. I think her mind was bringing her back to when her food habits shifted into their current unhealthy ways as a self-preservation. The more she ate, the more Fergal hurt her. Her trauma had tricked her in believing that if she ate less that she was protecting herself, when really it was just making her weaker." Molly paused, to make sure that no one inside the house had bared witness to the scene, the last thing Mikayla would want is everyone making a big deal out of it.

"I think her mind was trying to remind her that it was Fergal who proposed danger to her whenever she ate. That small portions and bites were a reflection of the bruises that he left behind on her skin. Hoping the memory will shock her into remembering that he's not in her life anymore to dictate or control what she eats, or how much of it, or how often she does." Molly's voice wavered with the guttural sadness she felt for Mikayla's past and the motherly instinct to protect her from it in the future.

"Mikayla might still be afraid of Fergal coming after her, but her mind is trying to help her heal the trauma that he inflicted on her. It started with voicing her opinions, not letting Fergal silence her anymore. Then by reconnecting emotionally with Avery, having a good relationship with her sister when Fergal always tried to divide them. Next she moved on to building her own familial connections, adopting us all as hers. After that, it was her minds mission to letting herself love and be loved, and most of all, love herself." Molly looked down at Mikayla, her body laying still in the grass as if she had merely fallen asleep, she looked so peaceful with her eyes closed.

"For now, Mikayla's mind is pushing her towards creating a healthier relationship with food, instead of forcing herself to starve to avoid a beating. It doesn't have the best timing considering the amount of stress that she's under, but all we can do is support her recovery. It's not going to be easy, and it most certainly will not happen overnight, it may take months, or possibly years before Mikayla will not feel guilt or fear when food is concerned. And there will be times that Mikayla will miss meals, we will not make her feel forced to eat because that could cause her to develop a separate eating disorder from the one what she already has."

The words eating disorder made the teens feel very uncomfortable, and sick to the stomach that they couldn't protect Mikayla from it. Hermione asked Molly, if she knew what form of eating disorder Mikayla may have, hoping that with the name that she could do research on it to help Mikayla overcome it. "I'm no healer, but I suspect that Mikayla has some form Anorexia Nervosa, caused by external forces. We need to encourage positive eating habits, we are not to try and force her to eat a massive amount of food for every meal to regain the weight she has lost."

Ron, Harry and Hermione nod their heads as Molly spoke, showing that they were actively listening to every word that she speaks. Molly goes on to explain that they'll encourage Mikayla to slowly enlarge her portions sizes over time, little by little, to rebuild her appetite. If they try and rush her recovery, she could develop other eating disorders such as bulimia or purging etc. "right, I'm going to wake her up now before someone else comes outside." Molly told them, almost instantly after the sleeping spell was lifted, Mikayla's eyes shot open and she started looking around confused.

Mikayla began looking around, confused by her surroundings, and why her friends wore worried expressions. Her eyes were only half open, as she blinked furiously to adjust to the brightness of the sunlight and to clear her cloudy mind. Molly rested her hand on top of Mikayla's shoulder, making the blonde turn and face her. "You fainted, honey. Are you hurt anywhere?" Molly asked in calming voice, Mikayla's eyes tracked down her own body that felt a little numb, searching for injury.

"I- no, I don't think so. I've got a bit of a headache." Molly nodded slowly, before stating that Mikayla should go to bed and rest. Hermione offers her bed, stating that she can sleep the sofa that night. Ron shut down the idea, telling his Mum to let her rest in his room. His bed is enough to fit both Mikayla and Fred for the night, knowing the blonde likes to wake up next to her boyfriend. "But what about the little girl... we have to help her." Mikayla wondered as she allowed Molly pull her up off the ground.

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