Propaganda Pamphlets

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Mikayla woke up to her alarm blaring at 9:30, as much she wanted to just shut it off, roll over and return to dreamland, her friends needed her. She pulled on a plain red knitted sweater that she tucked into her blue Mom jeans, slipping on her favourite black doc martens. She added her red wand sheath, that Penelope had gotten her for her birthday, to her jeans' belt loop on the right side of her hips. She ran a brush through her hair, pulling it into a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes when she was coming to her friends aid.

She picked up Fergal's wand, that she had left on her bedside table, snapping it in half. This would break every physical spell that she had casted on each of the Death Eaters, while the memory altering spell stayed in affect. She could do this as she knew that her family were now securely tucked away in a safe house in the middle of nowhere. Mikayla rummaged through her little blue bag that Fred had returned to her the night before, grabbing the golden phoenix pocket watch that doubled as her Illimité Portkey.

She attached the key ring loop at the end of the pocket watch's chain to her belt loop on the left hand-side of her hips, opposite to her wand sheath, before making her way downstairs. Mikayla withdrew her wand at the sound of a cupboard closing in her kitchen, slowly entering the room, pleasantly surprised to see Kreacher was bustling around her kitchen. He was making her favourite breakfast, a fruit and yogurt sundae.

The blonde quickly slips her wand back into her sheath as the elf posed no threat to her, "hullo Kreacher, what brings you here?" Mikayla asks, alerting the elf of her presence as she makes her way deeper into the kitchen, towards the fridge to grab herself a cold bottle of water. "Master Harry sent Kreacher to welcome Mikayla home and help her with anything she needs." Kreacher croaked enthusiastically, Mikayla immediately catching sight of the locket that now hung around his neck, which has clearly won the elf over in serving Harry.

"That's very kind of you, Kreacher. I fear that you'll be quite bored here, as I'll mostly only be sleeping and eating here, and spend most of my days off causing mayhem." Mikayla admitted as Kreacher set her breakfast in front of her, "I'd like for you to spend most of your time at Hogwarts, looking out for the students and keeping an eye on what the Death Eaters are up to, and report any important information back to me. It's imperative that you're not seen, do you think you could do that for me?" Kreacher quietly listened to Mikayla's request, fidgeting with the locket around his neck as he considered her words.

"Kreacher would like to return daily to cook Dinner for Mikayla under Master Harry's orders to look after her." Kreacher spoke quietly, Mikayla didn't bother denying his request, knowing that Kreacher would have to punish himself for failing to follow Harry's orders. "That works for me. Let's say you join me for Dinner at five o'clock every day until May 1st, you can teach me some new recipes and we can eat together, yes?" Kreacher nodded his head in agreement, thanking Mikayla for accepting his condition to her order. "Brilliant!" Mikayla beamed brightly, opening her arms out towards the elf, Kreacher hesitantly approached her as if he was resigning himself to a terrible torture.

"That's it, Kreacher... I promise, I'm not going to hurt you, it's called a hug." Kreacher walked into Mikayla's arms, she silently wrapped her arms around his small frame, pulled him against her. Mikayla made sure that her hold on the small elf was loose, not wanting to send overwhelm Kreacher too much. She was more than surprised when Kreacher hugged her back, "Kreacher has not hugged anyone since Master Regulus..." Mikayla felt her heartache at his admission, "is this okay? I don't want to cause you pain Kreacher..." Mikayla whispered quietly, not wanting to spook the elf from the personal digging.

"It does not hurt Kreacher, it makes him sad but calm." Mikayla hummed quietly, asking Kreacher if he was sure that it was okay that she hugged him, and continued to in the future. The old elf nodded against her shoulder, croaking that he enjoys hugging Mikayla. As the odd pair pull apart, Mikayla praises him over welcoming affection and thanks him again for her breakfast before he leaves for Hogwarts. When she dug into the yogurt sundae, her stomach grumbled in appreciation as she ate slowly, not wanting to upset her stomach.

In The Fight To Survive (Golden Trio Era) {4}Where stories live. Discover now