A Fatal Accident

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CW- Injury, Blood, Nausea & Death

Fred and Mikayla moved like they had all the time in the world to counteract the curses flying in their direction, whilst simultaneously watching each other's backs. Nott and Selwyn's movements were stiff as their skin began to bubble up with red raw blisters where the Scorching charm had hit them. Bellatrix's fighting style was as erratic as always, but perhaps a lot more unhinged since the public humiliation the young couple had put her through back in Gringotts. Nott however seemed to mainly be playing the defensive role.

Krum and Audrey's had to abandon the couple, to fight those that were trying to come to the four Death Eaters' aid from both ends of the corridor. They disappeared from Mikayla and Fred's sights after casting the same wards that protected the students to the carriage doors. They had to do this to prevent any stray spells from escaping the carriage and causing harm to anyone on the other side of those doors. As Mikayla repelled another blasting curse, she noticed that Castor Nott was inching his way closer to them. With extended inspection of his appearance, Mikayla saw something green dotted around his wand hand, Imperium Cimex.

"Fred, water bubble Nott." Mikayla hissed as she blocked a Blood-Burning curse from Bellatrix. Mikayla could feel herself growing tired of the seemingly endless defensive duelling, and believed it was time to take some offensive measures. Mikayla's eyes found Marian's abandoned sweet trolley, and without another thought, she launched the metal trolley at Bellatrix. Mikayla watched as the trolley made contact, and Bellatrix went flying backwards, slamming against the magical barrier placed on the corridor. She lost consciousness when she and the trolley collapsed to the floor, as she got pinned to the wall.

Fred heard her request, his own eyes settling on the nasty creatures that have embedded themselves into the back of Nott's wand hand, swiftly encasing Nott in a ball of water. Nott screamed and squirmed against the water barrier, trying to push himself to freedom by bursting the water bubble from the inside. However, all he was doing was tiring himself out, Fred had mastered the spell weeks ago and no one has broken free from it since without his say so. Mikayla tapped Fred's leg three times, it was their signal that they were going to swap sides now so that the Death Eaters didn't get a good read on their new fighting styles.

The second they swapped sides Nott would be freed from his water bubble, and the Imperium Cimex would be drained from the carriage into a metal canister the Order welded to the floor beneath the carriage last night. Mikayla used her mind link to count down from three, preparing for the swap, blocking Dolohov's curses that were becoming more and more lethal with each failed attempt. Fred and Mikayla swap sides in one swift motion, Fred was now facing only Dolohov, while Mikayla jumped into action against Selwyn and Nott. She needed to take one of them out of the running immediately, and she took her chance as Nott's watery cage collapsed to the floor.

Mikayla first threw a blasting curse at him, knocking him to the floor, where she casted a quick sand jinx that trapped most of his body in the floor of the train. Mikayla then drained the now Imperium Cimex contaminated water into the Order secret canister by casting a quick gouging spell through the carriage floor. Fred was fighting valiantly against Dolohov, and certainly had the upper hand against the malicious man. Mikayla only now had Selwyn to out duel, and Serena was putting in a good fight. She hadn't resorted to most Death Eaters methods of Dark magic, she fought fairly.

Just as Mikayla sent a Slowing charm rushing towards Selwyn, the older witch silently casted a powerful Knockback jinx. Time seems to slow as she hears Dolohov cast a Killing curse, just as the Knockback jinx connects to Mikayla's chest. Mikayla falls backwards, tumbling against Fred and forcing them both to the floor. Mikayla's head slams off one of the wooden benches armrests on the way down, her head twisting in pain before her jaw forcefully connects with Fred's elbow. A resounding crack echoed in her ears, as a green flash jetted over her and Fred's heads.

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