Becoming Harry Potter

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Hermione seals the jars after Mikayla breaks the connection, stepping backwards away from Jean and Richard who were still unconscious. "We've only got five minutes before they wake up and you can't be here once they've periodically forgotten about your existence." Hermione decided that she wanted to be the one to cast the memory charm, now that there's much less at steak. Mikayla accepted Hermione's request, knowing the need to do something yourself for closure. Mikayla took the memory jars away from Hermione, putting them into her little blue bag for safe keeping before silently wrapped Hermione up in a side hug.

Hermione slowly raised her wand towards the back of her parents' heads, whispering "obliviate" as she turns her wand 90 degrees to the right. She holds the spell for a few seconds before letting out a small sob, Mikayla watches as Hermione slowly begins to disappear from every photograph littered around the sitting room. As cruel as it felt to not give Hermione time to process it all, they had to go before the Grangers woke up, so she began walking Hermione towards the door.

The rain had stopped, Mikayla made sure to close the door behind them before Hermione took off towards the point where Mikayla had apparated into Heathgate. Mikayla jogged to catch up with her friend, linking their arms before she apparated them to the hill where they used the Portkey three years ago. "You'll have to walk from here, they set up the anti-apparition wards after I left for yours." Mikayla explained after seeing the confused look on Hermione's face. "But, where are you going?" Hermione ask as Mikayla breaks all contact with her. "I'm going to go put the memory jars somewhere safe. If they smash the memories will be gone forever and we won't be able to undo it. I'll catch up." Mikayla promised before disapparating from the hill.

The Carra Manor had many hiding places, many Mikayla herself has yet to discover, which makes protecting sensitive objects easier than carrying them around all the time. Mikayla put the jars into a wooden box that Mikayla had etched the Granger coat of arms on the lid. She buried the box in the centre of the purple roses that she had sown a few weeks ago after visiting the Patils. Mikayla though it would be the least suspicious place as the flower patch already looked freshly dug up from planting the roses that were now budding. She made sure to cast some extra strong protection charms around the box to prevent roots or wildlife for coming into contact with it, while also to keep unwanted wizards from it, should Carra Manor ever be compromised.

Once everything was secure, Mikayla apparated back to the hill and ran down it to catch up with Hermione before she would reach the Burrow. Molly would blow a fuse if Hermione showed up alone, so Mikayla ignored the burning in her chest as the cold air filled her lungs while she sprinted. The blonde dodging brush branches, tree routes and the odd animal, reuniting with Hermione just as she reached the entrance of the Burrow's drive. Hermione turned back at the sounds of branches breaking, raising her wand instantly, only lowering it as a breathless Mikayla came to a stop beside her.

"Bloody hell, Hermione. You're quick on your feet." Mikayla gasped out, clutching her ribs as a stitch started to form, "and you're really out of shape for a Quidditch player." Mikayla rolled her eyes at the jab, "former player, I've retired." Mikayla comments before linking elbows with Hermione. The two girls walk their way through the Burrow's wards, down the dirt lane to the hazardous but charming six floor house. Mikayla alerted the group of her and Hermione's arrival with a Patronus, stating that they would be at the door in a minute. This was so no one accidentally attacked them and ask questions later.

Moody was the one to greet them, he made sure to ask them three separate security questions before allowing them to join the last minute Order meeting to run over the plan once more. The plan would momentarily have Eight Potters, of course only Mikayla and Moody, truly know why the number eight was arguable because they are the only two who completely knew what was going to go down. The mission group will be split into six pairs and one group of three. Mikayla, Moody and Mundungus will be grouped together as they know that the Death Eaters are going to target them first.

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