Godric's Hollow

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Hermione and Harry agreed that the best time for them to go to Godric's Hollow would be after six, under the cover of darkness. At this very moment they were getting ready to leave, Harry securing the Horcrux necklace to his neck, while Hermione tucks their tent into her beaded bag. Once all their possessions were hidden away in Hermione's bag, she tucked it into the inside jacket of her winter coat before turning to Harry. "Ready?" Hermione asked him quietly, "yeah, let's go." Harry responded as he grabbed a hold of Hermione's hand.

Then they turned into the suffocating darkness of apparition, Harry's eyes glued shut as he waited to feel a felt them land. His heart was beating so hard that he believed that it was trying to jump out of his chest as he willed himself to open his eyes. There they were, standing hand in hand in a snowy lane under a dark blue sky full of stars. There was a row of cottages each side of the narrow road, decked out with colourful twinkling lights and handmade snowmen.

A bit further ahead, they could a glow of golden streetlights that lit up the centre of the village. "Look at all the snow, Harry." Hermione whispered excitedly as her free hand brushed along a wall, causing the snow to fall to the ground. "Yeah, I half expect the twins to round the corner armed with snowballs." Harry chuckled as the image popped into his head. "If they did at least the fight would be fair now that we can all use magic to make the ammunition." Hermione commented with a smile, that soon faded away, as she's reminded that Ron is not with them to joke about with.

"We better go, don't want to wait around too long or we'll have company." Harry said after the church bell began to ring, echoing throughout the whole village. The pair began to walk forward, making their way towards the village centre. The icy bitter air stung their faces as they passed more cottages, small clouds forming and quickly disappearing with their every exhale. Harry gazed at the front of each snow-burdened building, wondering if he'd recognised any of them as his home, even if he knew that it would be impossible for him to know. The small lane they were walking along, curved slightly to the left before it opened up into the heart of the village.

Coloured lights were strung up between each electricity pole accenting the small sized square. There seemed to be a war memorial statue in the middle, but most of it was blocked out of their view by a massive windblown Christmas tree. The square was lined with various shops, such as a post office, pub, music shop and a little church. The snow in the centre was mostly slush from people trodding on it all day, making it a little slippery compared to the lane. Harry and Hermione stood there in silence for a moment, taking in the beautiful sight as carols from the church began to fill the air.

"Harry, I think it's Christmas Eve." Hermione comments as she listens in closely to the hymns being sung. Harry knew that she had been right, after all Mikayla had told him weeks ago. However, Hermione didn't know about that conversation, so Harry played dumb, "is it?" Harry voiced as turned to face her, "I bet Mikayla has the entire Manor decked out in decorations." Harry adds causing a soft smile to etch itself onto Hermione's face. "Of course she has, and she did it all herself because no one will be able to create her Christmas vision but her." Harry chuckled at this, agreeing completely.

The pair's laughter soon faded away, their eyes falling on the church before them. "Your parents will be in there, won't they Harry? I can see the graveyard behind it." Hermione gestured towards the church. Harry nodded slowly, gulping down his nervousness to come face to face with his parents' graves. Hermione gave his hand a squeeze, before they shared a nod of agreement, the pair walking in sync across the square towards the lively church. Both of them coming to a stop when they approached the memorial, that shifted from an obelisk covered in names to a statue of three people.

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