Patronus and Pictures

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Mikayla and Fred weren't seen by the rest of the Order for the next two days, and none of them wanted to disturb the young couple during their brief few days off. After they dissected their trauma together, Mikayla and Fred fell asleep and were pleasantly surprised when they just had normal dreams. What they weren't surprised by was the multitude of articles and radio reports about what had happened in Gringotts bank. Mikayla was berated for the whole Wizarding world to hear or read, calling her a villainous attention seeker that was a risk to society because of all the 'stunts' she pulls.

As Mikayla scoffed and threw the Daily Prophet into the library fire, she was startled by a Puli Patronus bounding across the library, right for her. The young blonde didn't recognise this Patronus whatsoever, and she couldn't even hazard a guess of who it belongs to. However, the second the mop-like dog opened it's mouth, she knew exactly who had sent it, Lee Jordan. Mikayla couldn't help but smile as Lee's voice enthusiastically greeted her, a Puli surely did capture his personality well.

"Hey, Mikayla, it's me, Lee Jordan. Alicia pointed out that you've never seen my Patronus before, so she thought it was necessary I announced myself. When realistically you should be able to recognise my voice immediately after all theses years, and if you didn't, I'd have to re-evaluate our entire friendship." Mikayla could hear Alicia's voice in the background telling Lee to move and tell Mikayla what he wanted or his Patronus will ten minutes long. "What's wrong with that? I'm sure you both love the sound of my voice enough to sit through a ten minute long Patronus. But you're right, I should cut to the chase."

Fred shook his head at his friend's unscripted Patronus, the Order usually prepared bullet points to get their message across, but neither him or Mikayla could deny the small flicker of joy that burned within them at the Lee's casualness. It was nice to hear a Patronus that wasn't just used as a way to get an urgent message across as quickly as possible, and they really enjoyed the imperfect perfection of Lee's unfiltered Patronus. "I wanted to ask you if you'd be up to joining me for the New Years' Eve Broadcast of Potter Watch. I think the world is begging for us to reunite on the radio waves and caress their ears as 1997 comes to an end. I'm sure Potter Watch listeners would like a message of hope from the face of the rebellion against Voldy, while we also commemorate all of those we've lost this year."

Mikayla had her answer right then, because she knew Lee was right. The war is taking a darker, harsher and calculated turn on the Death Eaters side, they've been evolving their strategies over the quiet winter season. The Order had also changed it's ways, long gone was Dumbledore's philosophy that an Order members life was less valuable than the cause it fought for. Mikayla has allowed a lot of leeway on how she approached rescue missions, but what she didn't allow for people to value her life over their own.

She would play leader for the public, the 'Great Protector' always put on a show for the public as she repeatedly outfought the Voldemort's forces. However, it was Kingsley, sometimes with the advice from Remus and Arthur, that made the final decision when it came to every move the Order made. So, before Mikayla knew that she would first have to run by her appearance on Potter Watch with Kingsley. "And if you could pass the message onto Fred that he as well as George and Remus are invited to join the broadcast under alias names for their safety. You'll be as yourself because it would be impossible and impractical to disguise who you are."

Fred's shoulders relaxed even further when learning that the invitation would be extended to not only him, but George and Remus too. That gave them a good variety of ready fighters should the Death Eaters somehow track them down. "Anyway, Alicia is gesturing for me to wrap this up, she seems to think that you've got more important things to do than listen to my voice come out of a Puli dog, ridiculous right? I look forward to both you and Fred's R.S.V.P, please try to get back to me as soon as possible because I need to pre-plan the topic format." The Puli Patronus sunk to the floor before it vanished from sight, leaving behind no trace that it was ever there.

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