The Minister's Temper

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Dusk was really falling outside now, the marquee beyond the windows towered ghostly white over the hedge. Mikayla could see the lanterns of the dinner party, where everyone sat whispering quietly but not touching the food, awaiting the birthday boy. "I notice that your birthday cake is in the shape of a Snitch," Scrimgeour stated after snapping his fingers to regain their attention that was distracted by the rumblings of their stomachs.

"Why is that?" Mikayla rolled her eyes while Hermione let out a derisive laugh. "Oh, it can't be a reference to the fact Harry's a great Seeker, that's way too obvious," Hermione exclaimed, emphasising the idiocy behind Scrimgeour's questions. "Indeed! There must be a secret message from Dumbledore hidden in the icing!" Mikayla added in the same tone, "I don't think there's anything hidden in the icing," Scrimgeour snapped at the blonde, "but a Snitch would be a very good hiding place for a small object. You know why, I'm sure?"

Harry shrugged with a shake of his head. Hermione, however, answered for him, "because Snitches have flesh memories," before she even realised what she was saying. Scrimgeour smiled at her accidental cooperation. "Correct... a Snitch is not touched by bare skin before it is released, not even by the maker. It carries an enchantment that allows it to identify the first human to lay hands on it, in case of a disputed capture."

Scrimgeour lifted the tiny golden ball in front of Harry's eyes, "this snitch, Mr Potter, will remember your touch. It occurs to me that Dumbledore, who had prodigious magical skill, whatever his other faults, might have enchanted this Snitch so that it will open only for you." Mikayla's heart dropped, surely Dumbledore wouldn't be so thick to hide something in the snitch when he clearly knew the Ministry would look into his bequests.

"None of you say anything," Scrimgeour observed after a moment of silence. "Perhaps you already know what the Snitch contains?" The foursome immediately denied the allegation, however it was clear that they were all nervous and trying to figure out a way for Harry to take it but not touch it. "Take it," Scrimgeour order barely above a whisper. Mikayla's eyes settled on Harry's hands and silently began casting a small cushioning charm, one that wouldn't make it obvious that he wasn't touching the snitch.

Harry met the Minister's yellow eyes and knew he had no option but to obey. He held out his hand, and Scrimgeour leaned forward again and place the Snitch, slowly and deliberately, into Harry's palm. Yet nothing happened. Mikayla silently congratulated herself as they watched as Harry's fingers closed around the Snitch. It's tired wings fluttered a bit before becoming still once again, and they all continued to gaze avidly at the now partially concealed ball, as if still hoping it might transform in some way.

"That was dramatic," Harry chimed coolly, making his three friends laugh. "That's all, then, is it?" Hermione asked while raising herself off the squished sofa. "Not quite," Scrimgeour retorted, his temper was being to slip through the cracks of his lost patience. "Dumbledore also left you a second bequest, Potter." Harry stirred in his seat from excitement over what else Dumbledore has possibly left him. Scrimgeour did not bother to read from the will this time. "The sword of Godric Gryffindor."

Mikayla, Hermione and Ron froze at the Minister's words, exchanging confused and unsettled glances over why Dumbledore would leave Harry the sword. Harry looked around for any sign of the ruby-encrusted sword, but Scrimgeour didn't move to pull out the the sword from the leather pouch, which was much too small to hold it either way. Harry asked the Minister where the sword was, suspicion evident in his tone and his excitement lost. "Unfortunately, that sword was not Dumbledore's to give away. The sword of Godric Gryffindor is an important historical artefact, and as such, belongs-"

Hermione interrupted Scrimgeour, hotly stating that the sword belonged to Harry as it came to him when he needed it most in the Chamber of Secrets. "According to reliable historical sources, Miss Granger, the sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, but that doesn't make it that wizard's property in any way." Scrimgeour scratched his badly shaven cheek, "there's something you're not telling us about the sword." Mikayla observed after catching the nervous tick, after all she was an expert in nervous/anxious habits.

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