Accidental Reconcile

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Mikayla spent another twenty minutes cleaning her room with the aid of magic. She was able to unstick the bra from the floor under the bed, and get whatever sticky substance that was on the floor scrubbed away. She manually remade the bed, fluffed out the pillows and organised her and Fred's shared desk, as it felt rather relaxing cleaning while she magically brushed and mopped the floor, dusted the shelves and polished the furniture.

Once she was finished cleaning, Mikayla pulled off her shoes leaving them neatly in her wardrobe before creeping down a flight of stairs to join Ron and help him clean his room. As she walked in, she noticed that Hermione was sat in the far corner with Crookshanks at her feet and surrounded by a pile of books. Mikayla quickly casted a silencing charm to prevent them from being heard from downstairs, before greeting her two friends. "I've finished cleaning my room, and thought that you'd appreciate some help."

She looked at the way Ron was lounging on his unmade bed, "I'm glad that I did, you look completely run off your feet." Mikayla comments sarcastically, "oh don't you start, Mum is driving me crazy with all this cleaning as it is." Mikayla threw her hands up in mock surrender, "I'm not here to scold you, Ron. After my outburst earlier, I've gotten a second wind in my abilities to do chores. So, I'll clean your room just this once, and all I ask of you is to stand up for a moment, so I can make your bed and for you clean under the bed because I don't want any nasty surprises."

Ron didn't argue, he got to his feet instantly out of fear that Mikayla would withdraw her offer of cleaning his room for him. He moved to Harry's camp bed, and began to clean out the stuff from underneath it, while Mikayla magically instant cleaned his sheets before making his bed. "Where did you learn that spell?" Hermione questioned, "when you share a bed with your boyfriend Hermione, you learn a lot of spells to hide evidence of unholy activities." Mikayla answered casually as she adjusted Ron's pillows, out of the corner of her eye she sees Hermione's face flush red.

"Ew, Mikayla. I don't want to hear about your sex life with my brother." Ron calls from under the camp bed, Mikayla rolled her eyes, "I didn't even say anything bad!" Mikayla defends herself, "doesn't matter. Don't want to hear it." Mikayla just hummed in response, "then don't listen." Mikayla warned him before looking over to Hermione, but Ron got out from under the bed and told Mikayla to spare Hermione from the details of her sex life while shielding Hermione from her eyes. "Fine, fine. Merlin, I'll keep my mouth shut." Mikayla surrendered the teasing, gesturing to his now made bed, and Ron immediately returns to lounging on top of it.

Mikayla casted a wide variety of cleaning spells, getting rid of the cobwebs in the corners, the dirt from the floor, reorganising Ron's desk and wardrobe. She begins to pick up all the clothes that were completely covering the floor, that you can barely see it. "Ugh, boys are disgusting." Mikayla mumbled to herself as she found a moldy lunchbox under a pile of clothes. "So, I have a confession to make..." Mikayla begins as she cleans Ron's window with a flick of her wand, "and what's that?" Ron mumbled.

"Well, I predicted Mundungus' betrayal and Moody's death. I tried to warn him but he started spouting some bullshit of his life needing to end to protect the future, and refused to change the plans for Harry's being moved. That's why he knew that I had to be paired with him, as he was my shield to get one over on Voldemort, and because of how much damage as I could do. Only Remus, Kingsley and Fred know the truth, and I'm so mad at Moody and myself for not being able to find a solution that would save his life."

The words tumbled from Mikayla's mouth, before she could stop them, like water crashed thorough a bursted dam. Hermione and Ron's expression warped into utter shock at the news, unsure how to respond to it. "We all tried to convince Moody change the plan, but he was adamant that he needed to die to make sure our future isn't changed." Mikayla informed as she paced the room, trying to get out all the energy that was buzzing through her at the admission. "Bloody Moody and his stupid pride..." Ron cursed to himself, and Hermione silently nodded in agreement to Ron's words.

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